Chapter 29

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   "I can't tell you." I say stubbornly, gritting my teeth and staring into his face. He frowns, his eyes searching mine.

   Obi Wan had asked me what Yoda had meant when he asked me that silent question. And how I knew of the deletion of the archives. It had resulted in a shouting match that lasted most of the way to Kamino.

   He opens his mouth again, but I cut him off.

   "You don't understand. What I know can kill me. My life is already in danger. Padmé knows only because she has to tell everyone if I die. Please. You'll know soon. me." I beg him, pushing my reassurance, confidence, and fear into the bond. Fear for myself, and fear for everyone else as well. He sighs and rubs his forehead.

   "Very well. Just be careful. I can't..." His Hand comes up and brushes my cheek as he trails off and his eyes flicker with some unknown pain. We come out a hyperspace and I jump, leaning back to see the deep blue planet.

   "Kamino. Made entirely of water. I won't bore you with the story why." I tease as he releases his fighter from the booster and turn on the engines, R4 beeping behind us.

   "Yes. There is is R4. Right where it should be. Our missing planet Kamino." He states, smirking at me slightly as I give a huff. He knows I just said that. Damn him and his...his.... everything!

  The ship dips and we enter the atmosphere, rain hitting us almost immediately. I take a moment to look in awe at the rushing waters and floating cities then an ice cold shiver of fear runs down my spine and I groan.

   "I hate water." I whisper weakly, knuckles tightening on my seat. We land on one of the platforms and I found myself frozen, blood runs out of my face as I start to realize that we're in the middle of an OCEAN. And it's RAINING.

   "-olly? Holly?!?" I blink back into reality and barely notice my frantic breath as his hands cup my face. I stare into his eyes and whimper, gripping my seat until my knuckles turn white and squeezing my eyes shut.

   "It's alright. You won't fall. I'll make sure. It's okay. Come on." He whispers and hits the button to pop the top. We get out, immediately covering our faces with our hoods and rush inside. His hand never left my waist.

  "I really hate this planet." I mutter as we make it inside. My hair was soaked, the cloak not doing much against the wind or rain, and I was shivering.

   He smiles at me and cups my face, kissing my forehead softly. His warm lips a stark contrast to my cold skin making goosebumps appear.

   "Relax." He whispers, his hot breath ghosting across my skin and making me shiver for an entirely different reason before he pulls away. I stand there in mild shock, my face slowly gaining color before I'm snapped out of it by the arrival of Taun We.

   "Master Jedis. The prime minister is expecting you." She states and I smile, bowing my head. I've always loved the Kaminoans.

   "We're expected?" He asks in shock and I have to stifle my laugh at his shocked face. She bows slightly, smiling at me as she does so.

   "Of course. He is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now please, you and your wife can come this way." She gestures to follow her and I had to refrain from choking on air. WIFE?!? Since when was I- the kiss. She saw the kiss.

   "You have extraordinary patience. I would have given up after the first three years." I say, smiling at her. She smiles back and nods.

   "We were sure you'd come soon. We did not know if you knew how faster we were able to grow them." She explains and I nod. Obi gives me a panicked look and I simply communicate through our bond. 'Just go with it.' He nods and I'm left to my own thoughts.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now