Chapter 7

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"You sure there's nothing left on board?" Qui- Gon question Obi Wan through the com-link. I sigh, knowing it was useless.

"A few containers of supplies, the Queen's wardrobe maybe. But not enough for you to barter with, not in the amount you're talking about." Obi Wan states regretfully.

"Alright. I'm sure another solution will present itself. I'll check back later." Qui- Gon ends the call and I pout at him.

"I didn't even get to say hello." I wrinkle my nose at him and he rolls his eyes.

"You'll have plenty of time to say hello to him when we get back. Let's go." He makes to leave the shady outcropping but Jar Jar stops him.

"Noah gain! Noah gain. Da beings hereabouts, cawazy! Wesa be wobbed un crunched!" He shouts at Qui- Gon and I lay a hand on his arm.

"Calm down Jar Jar. We won't be robbed because we have nothing of value. My necklace, maybe, but if it is robbed, lost, or taken from me it'll reappear on my neck so that's a no. And that's our problem." I tell him and he sighs, calming down as we walk out.

   Weaving through the crowd I draw my hood closer over my head, not really trusting these people. I stop when I realize Jar Jar is gone.

   "Master? Where is..... Jar Jar." I start it as a question but end with a flat voice as I found him..... about to get beat up by Sebulba. I growl and stalk up, my cloak flapping slightly at my pace.

   "Babatpiuh bai Ani Sebulba. Baua Jee gee wa banka kuna kee tee doth woy fa bai bu bapionh Choppa chawa. -Listen to Ani Sebulba. Otherwise I have a feeling you won't be making it to the next Podrace." I sneer and he looks up at me in shock. I glare at him from my hood, my bright green eyes catching the light and making it so they looked like they were glowing. He growls and backs up.

   "If you weren't a slave I would squash you now." Sebulba threatened Ani but continued to back up as I stepped closer to my friends.

   "Yeah, it'd be a pity if you had to pay for me." Ani retaliates and I help up Jar Jar. Sebulba walls back to his table and I sigh, smiling down at Ani.

   "I thought I told you to not get in trouble?" I asked teasingly he pouted and I heard footsteps behind me. I turn to see Qui- Gon and Padmé approaching.

   "I wasn't. Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo. He picked a fight with a Dug, an especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba. How'd you know his name, did you read his mind too?" Anakin finished looking at me with wonder.

   "Maybe." I laugh and put a finger to my lips, winking. He grins up at me.

   "Mesa haten crunchen. Das da las ting mesa want." Jar Jar says and I roll my eyes. This Gungan will be the death of us I swear.

   "Nevertheless, the boy is right. You were heading into trouble. Thanks my young friend." Qui- Gon tells Anakin.

"But, but! But Mesa doen nutten!" Jar Jar protests as we move on. As we follow Ani through the stalls the wind starts to pick up. I frown, looking out at the desert. The dust swirled, looking like fog rolling in. Sorry Obi wan, we'll be stuck here longer than you thought.

We wait as Anakin purchases some food from a vendor.

"Here, you'll like these pallies. Here." Anakin gives the food to Qui- Gon and then to me. I smile that him thankfully and turn my eyes back to the shifting sands. The wind had picked up even more and my eyes had to squint, my cloak making sure none got in my eyes or clothes.

I notice Anakin's eyes glancing at Qui- Gon's waist, and remember that's when he realizes that we're Jedi.

"Oh my bones are aching. Storm's coming up Ani. You better get home quick." The old lady winks at me and starts packing up her shop.

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