Chapter 25

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   "She went into the club master." Ani starts off, pointing into the building.

   "Patience. Use the force. Think." Obi meditates him.

   "Sorry master."

   "He went in there to hide, not to run."

   "Yes master."

   "Next time, try not to lose it." Obi then held up Ani's saber. I smirk a little.

   "Yes master."

   "This weapon is your life." Ani grabs it and sulks a little while mumbling;

   "I try master." We then start to walk in, me wrinkling my nose in disgust at the alcoholic smell and smoke in the air.

   "Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" Obi questions and I wince, oh he is. Well, not in THIS universe he isn't.

   "Don't say that master. You're the closest thing I have to a father." Ani replies sadly and I feel my heart clench. Oh lord.

   "Then why don't you listen to me?" Obi asks and I resist the urge to smack him.

   "I am trying." Ani finishes the conversation and we stand in the middle of the club, all three of us glancing around trying to find our assassinator.

   "Can you see him?" Obi inquires lowly to us and I shake my head.

   "I think he is a she, and I think she's a changeling. I also think Holly already knew that but didn't tell us." Ani sends an accusing look my way and I hold up my hands.

    "I plead the fifth. Look, I can't tell you guys everything that's gonna happen. That would screw up the timeline okay?" I defend myself and he sends me an apologetic look. I just smile and he nods his head, knowing I didn't really take offense.

   "In that case, be extra careful. Go and find her Anakin." He starts walking and Ani looks confused.

"Where are you going master?" He asks and I knit my eyebrows. And what about, hello, me?!

"Holly and I, are going for a drink." He raises his eyebrows and I feel his fingers lace around my wrist and tug me towards him. I shoot Ani a helpless look as I'm dragged away and through the crowd, right up to the bar.

"You shouldn't be so hard on Ani. Be more understanding. He needs love, not just discipline. He may be rash, and emotional, but that's who he is." I start in on my tirade the moment we're there and turn my frown on him.

"And, Ani's dreams are visions. Not just dreams. Trust me, I would know. You need to be more like a dad. And more open. He feels like he can't trust you. Be softer." I chide, snapping my fingers. The bartender comes over.

"Rainbow twist." I say and the guy drags his eyes over me, raising an eyebrows and smirking.

"Heavy drinker sweetheart." He leans and places a shimmering rainbow drink in front of me. I smirk back, lean forward, and pop back the shot. I lick my lips, keeping eye contact.

"Easy as pie." I whisper and wink, slamming down the cup. He smirks again and grab the cup, Turning to make another one. I turn back and Obi wan is looking at me, unimpressed.

"What?" I question, taking the shot the bartender set on the table for me and drinking it down.

"That was shameful." He mumbles in distaste to me. I just raise an eyebrow as he's handed a light blue liquid and smile.

"Hey. I can have some fun." He rolls his eyes and I turn back around, feeling through his force signature something that made me confused. Obi's jealous?

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now