Chapter 11

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When we arrive at the ship with all the parts, Jar Jar and Padmé quickly rush to go inside the ship. I, however, slide down my Eopie slowly, still recovering from my force attack. Haha. Still can't get over the name.

   I see Obi wan and hope my face doesn't give away how relieved I was to see him again. He scans over us and eventually his eyes land on me. I smile cheekily and open my arms, as an invitation for a hug. Surprisingly his face melts into one of relief and he surges forward, actually bringing me into the hug. I feel him bury his face in my hair and breath in deeply. I pray my face isn't as red as I think it is and also bury my face in his shoulder.

    "I'm okay Obi. I'm okay. It's okay." I whispered over and over, tentatively  rubbing his back. I never thought Obi Wan Kenobi was this affectionate, and DAMN! I'm in a hug, WITH MY FAVORITE CHARACTER WHO I MAY HAVE A CRUSH ON HOLY SH- calm yo-self Holly. It's just a hug, not a declaration of love.

   He doesn't speak and we just stand there in an embrace for a few more moments, both enjoying the feeling that we only got when our force signatures were together. He pulls back, searching my face for a moment and sighs. Backing up and turning toward his master, who had been watching us with interest, he smiles at me a little and I nod in reassurance. Qui- Gon looks at me and I look down, feeling a pit in my stomach. Oh snickerdoodle. That did not help my case.

   "Well we have all the essential parts we need. I'm going back, some unfinished business. I won't be long." Qui- Gon tells us and I frown, knowing what comes next. Obi, sensing my frown glances over at me. I just shake my head in dismissal and he reluctantly looks back up at his master.

   "Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?" Obi Wan states with humor in his voice and I snort in amusement. They look over to me and I shake my head, covering my mouth in embarrassment.

   "It's the boy who's responsible for getting us these parts. Get this hyperdrive generator installed. Holly, I want you to stay here." Qui- Gon looks at me pointedly and I frown shaking my head.

   "Yes Master that shouldn't take lo-" I interrupt Obi wan, even though I could hear him talk aaaallll day, to protest.

  "With all due respect master, I think I should come with you. I would do no good here, as I'm not good with flying or mechanics. And I know you'll need help. Don't ask me how I know, I just do." I fold my arms across my chest, scowling up at him. He searches my eyes for a moment before sighing and nodding.

   "Very well. Come on then." He reaches out hand and I make to take it when someone pulled me back. I turn around and give Obi Wan a questioning glance.

   "I do not think it is wise for you to go. You've already tired yourself out enough today, you don't need to be exhausted." He states in concern and I just smile at him. My heart blooming in my chest. HE CARES FOR ME!!!! ME!?!!!!?? I fought down the blush and cleared my throat.

   "I'll be fine Obi. Just don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone." I tease him and turn back around, grabbing Qui- Gon's hand and boosting myself up behind him. We start walking towards the port again and I wave to Obi wan. He waves slightly back and I smile to myself, turning back around and controlling my face. And feelings. Definitely both of those. What I didn't expect was what came next.

   "You like him." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. From Qui- Gon. That made me scared to flipping death. I splutter for a moment and try to clear my head, but red alerts were going everywhere.

   "I- I What? Excuse m-me?" I manage to spit out, my face probably the same color as my hair. I see Qui- Gon smile a little and he replies coolheaded;

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now