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"Happy B-Day Holls!" Kylia screeched and threw her arms around my neck. Kylia was short, not extremely so but enough for me to tower at least a head above her. That doesn't stop her from bowling me over with her hugs.

"Heeeeey Kylia. Can you stop strangling me? That would be an early death I don't want to go into. I haven't even had my first kiss yet!!" I over exaggerated the words and she laughed. We jog into our living room and plop onto my cream couch.

"So, any birthday wishes you have? Any guys... or girls you have your eye on?" She looks at me slyly, a smirk playing on her lips.

I almost spit out the water I was drinking.

"Kylia! First of all, I am straight as an arrow so no girls. Well I mean, Natasha Romanoff.... but that's a fictional character so whatever. And come on, it's December we've barely been in school a couple months and you think I have a crush on someone?" I rolled my eyes and sipped my water, setting down the glass.

"Oh come on! You're a Junior! You can't just sit around watching your precious Star Wars and Marvel for the rest of your life-"

"HEY! Loki and Obi wan are hot and Peter Parker is my little innocent cinnamon roll."

"-Instead of going out and meeting guys. Live your life, go to parties, date, and hell- go get some designer clothes. You're pampered with anything you want by your parents but all you ask for is normal stuff? Sure you have an A-MAZING phone and earbuds but everything else is... average. Your parents are high payed surgeons, you can do anything!" She exclaims to me and I sigh, slumping back again.

"I know.... but it's so hard you know? I've never been one to form attachments to anything, you know that. All I need is privacy, my music, and my beautiful Star Wars movies!" I giggle and cover my mouth at her. She raised her hands and slaps them together.

"Lord up above, give me the strength not to kill her!" She shouts playfully and I slap her lightly, dying of laughter on the couch. She tries to make a straight face but ends up like me, laughing so hard were bending over on the couch.

"Holly, is that Kylia? Oh, hello Kylia, it's lovely to see you. Holly, go get ready everyone should be arriving soon I'll keep Kylia busy." My mom walked in smiling and I got up, waving goodbye to Kylia, my mom took my place. They started chatting as I went upstairs to my bedroom.

"And NOW, the chore of picking my outfit... yay!" I cheer sarcastically and throw open my walk in closet, preparing for the worst.

I heard laughing and talking while I made my way down the stairs, careful not to trip. My outfit was green, my favorite color, with tan heels and pearl stud earrings. My red hair was in a, slightly messy, side braid.

   I wore no makeup, I absolutely despise the stuff, except a light pink lip gloss that was more gloss than color

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   I wore no makeup, I absolutely despise the stuff, except a light pink lip gloss that was more gloss than color. I peaked my head in to the room before striding in, head held high. Everyone turns to me and they cheer.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now