Chapter 15

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I walk towards the Queen with two arguing Jedi at my sides, the only thing between their feuding argument was my body. I couldn't help but feel a little trapped.

"It's not disrespect, master. It's the truth." Obi Wan was arguing.

"From your point of view." Qui- Gon replies and I rub my temples in agitation. I SWEAR to lord almighty one more word about Anakin I swear I'll-

"The boy is dangerous. They all sense it. Why can't you?" Obi wan argues back and I let out a heavy sigh. Won't disagree on that, but won't totally agree because of what Yoda said a couple hours ago.

"His fate is uncertain. He's not dangerous. The council will decide Anakin's future. That should be enough for you. Now get on board." Qui- Gon replies, the second to last sentence sounding slightly hostile.

"Oh can you two just be quiet?!" I growl in annoyance and follow after Obi wan. Also, Obi Wan will BE on the council in 13 years so HA.

"Qui- Gon sir. I don't want to be a problem." I hear Anakin say and my heart softens. Oh Ani. You aren't.

"Obi. Obi! Hey! You okay?" I grab his arm and scan his face, finding it flicker in annoyance and slight hurt.

"Oh Obi." I whisper and bring him into a hug. He welcomes it and grips me tightly, burying his face into my neck and robes. I stroke his hair in comfort, feeling his pain through the force.

"He's replacing me isn't he?" He questions and my heart plummets.

"No Obi. I- I know he isn't. It'll be okay, everything will be okay. Just wait." I cringe on the inside at my own lie but continue to comfort him. I hear footsteps and draw away from him, grabbing his hand I tug him into the living room and collapse onto the couch, holding out my arms. I see him hesitate so I get up again and grab his hands, tugging him down.

   He lands on top of me and I giggle, my face flushing in embarrassment and my heart racing at his close proximity. I ignore it and shift, he laughs a little and moves to the side, so we're now laying on the couch next to each other.

   "Come here. Everything will be fine. You should be honored that he thinks you're ready to face the trials regardless, you'll be an amazing knight. I'm not even halfway through my training and here you are- same age as me- and nearly a master." I tell him, one of my arms going around his shoulders the other on his arm. He laughs a little and I smile, ignoring my blossoming feelings and fast heart beat the best I can.

This is horrible. I can't fall for a Jedi. Especially Obi Wan Kenobi. He's not supposed to have a love interest, well actually that's not true. We see his love interest, Satine I believe, in The Clone Wars. Didn't really like that tv show. And I guess it doesn't matter if I screw that bit of the universe up, as I'm probably going to screw everything up not letting Ani fall. But that's okay. Because then Padmé will live, Luke and Leia can grow up in a happy family and Ani will continue being a Jedi.

I must've had a troubled look on my face, because Obi wan squeezes my hand.

"What's wrong?" He muttered, being quiet so the other wouldn't hear us. I let out a heavy sigh and closed my eyes, resting my head on his I sink into the force and let his spirit wash over me. I hear him also let out a heavy breath and I sensed he did the same.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." I mumble with a small frown. He squeezes my hand and we slowly fall asleep, wrapped in each other's force presences.

We're woken up hours later by a very amused Qui- Gon.

"Padawans! Get up, we're almost here." I hear his voice and don't register what, or who, said it until a few seconds later. I shriek and tumble off the couch, landing flat on my stomach.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now