Chapter 1

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"Excuse me." I mutter and slid through a couple seniors. They moved out of the way as I sprinted towards my class, sliding into my seat just as the last bell rang.

"Ooooh. Someone was almost late. What did you do?" Kylia whispered to me and I rolled my eyes. Just another Wednesday.

"This is Ms. Clarence's class. She loves me, besides it's the end of the day so she's barely counting anyway. To answer your question, I left my Flute in the band room and I'm supposed to take it home today." I explained as we wrote down the warm up.

"Class, today we will be assigning partners to work on your poem projects. These will be your partners for today and tomorrow. You will NOT get to pick your partners, I have picked them for you." She claps her hands and we all groan in dissatisfaction.

"Alright so your partners are...." I zone out and end up doodling on my paper while I wait.

"Kylia with Oliver. And finally, Holly with Vivian." My head shoots up and I repress a groan. Vivian wasn't exactly the social type, then again neither was I. I gathered up my stuff and walked a couple desks away, putting it down next to her.

"Hi I'm-"

"Holly Woods. I know. I'm Vivian, it's not really a pleasure to meet you." She put down her book and look up at me, unenthused. She had blue eyes, pale skin, and long black hair dyed at the bottoms with bright purple. She wore a black band T-shirt, ripped black jeans, and black boots.

"Um, okay." I mumbled and sat down. I was wearing a green turtleneck, jeans, brown boots, and a brown fur coat. My hair was let down in loose waves.

   "What's your poem about?" Vivian asks me and continues reading her book

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   "What's your poem about?" Vivian asks me and continues reading her book. I look at her, surprised, before answering;

   "It's about a search for peace around and in oneself. What's yours about?" She glanced up and me and gave me a small smile.

   "It's about ones search for her meaning in the universe." I smiled back and picked up my pencil, ready to write. Suddenly my necklace (which I haven't taken off since Friday when I got it) started to glow. A light wind began to blow and I frowned, we're inside what the heck? The began to get stronger the longer we were there, and my necklace grew brighter until... nothing. It stopped almost as abruptly as it came and we all went back to our work.

   "Your one of them aren't you?" Vivian leans toward me and whispers. I yelp in surprise and look at her innocently.

   "Um, what do you mean?" She raises an eyebrow and nods her head toward my necklace.

   "My mom, she tells me stories. My favorite is the one about the Universe's amulet and the Universe Jumpers. You're the Universe Jumper aren't you?" My mouth gasped open and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"I- I. Yeah, I am. But I just got this Friday and I've got not clue what to do!" I whisper hiss to Vivian who smirks.

"Knew it. My mom says that when it's your time to go, you just know." She explains to me and we spend the rest of the period working on our poems and talking about the Amulet. I end up getting her number and promising to chat later.

Universe Jumper (Book 1) In the Beginning {Obi Wab Kenobi}Where stories live. Discover now