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"i'm kim seokjin, police constable, but you can call me seokjin," one of the men took his mask off to reveal his face and shuffled around in his pocket to find his police id and showed it to namjoon

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"i'm kim seokjin, police constable, but you can call me seokjin," one of the men took his mask off to reveal his face and shuffled around in his pocket to find his police id and showed it to namjoon.

the other man does the same thing, "and i'm jung hoseok, police constable, but you can call me hoseok or hobi," the said man smiles, a small dimple showing off.

well, they sure do have some beauties in this town.

"we'd best get back on patrol," hoseok nudged seokjin's arm, to which he nodded.

"just one thing, mate. if you see anyone wearing a hoodie that says hackerman on it, then stay far away from them, and if someone is carrying a knife, then stay away from them too," seokjin advises namjoon to do other things, such as getting an apartment and finding a job to earn some 'e-cash'.

"we'll see you sometime soon, namjoon, " the two men placed the masks back on their face and walked off with their guns in hand.

namjoon gazed around to find a street he could walk through. he had two choices; the gloomy alleyway that hoseok and seokjin walked through, or the big street with street lights and shopping stalls.

he has made a lot of unsafe choices since the boys back at school beat him up, maybe it's time for a safer one, therefore he chose the latter.

he turned the corner and his eyes were met with a huge amount of stalls, a lot more than what he had seen before.

he walked past people selling hotdogs, fish, all sorts. however, one stall caught his eye...



namjoon stalked over to the stall, staring at the rows and rows of kimbap in astonishment until he's interrupted by a machine-like voice coming from the stall owner.

"hello, citizen, how may i help you?" the mechanical voice in front of namjoon said.

"u-um... how much is the kimbap?" namjoon stuttered as he looked at the young owner's facial features. there's no way he's a human...

"ten e-cash," the boy replied, shooting a smile at the man.

"uhm, i mean in normal currency," he scratched the back of his neck in awkwardness.

"normal currency? what are you talking about? we only accept e-ca—" the boy started shaking uncontrollably, and the sound of metal crunching was coming from him.

"oh my god, are you okay?!" namjoon held onto the boy as he shakes in his hands.

his shaking stopped abruptly, and he gawked at namjoon. "an outsider!" the boy held namjoon's wrist and shook his hand vigorously. "it's a pleasure to meet you, sir, i am jeon jeongguk, but you can refer to me as jungkook!" the boy smiled a smile that reminded namjoon of a bunny.

"y-yeah, i'm an outsider. my name is kim namjoon, but call me namj—"

"that's great, kim namjoon! i'll show you around the place if you want to," jeongguk pulled his arm, giving namjoon no chance to make a decision on if he wanted to go or not.

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