thirty eight.

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jungkook's pov

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jungkook's pov.

when the group of men entered the apparent hideout, they struggled to see. it was too dark to see, although we could notice that there was nothing in there but rocks on the sides.

"are you sure that this is their hideout? it's just a cave with a few homeless dudes at the front, and then a random metal door," beomgyu scratched his scalp in confusion.

"nah. it seems too frisky. why is there a random door in a place where homeless people live? and besides, yoongi knows that this is the—"

lights turn on one by one in the room, although the sides of the room were still not visible to us.

as the final set of lights came on, a group of 10 men appear, standing in front of namjoonie, who was tied by his feet, hands and chest to a chair by some rope.

"NAMJOONIE!" i scream, tears forcing their way out of my eyes again.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" one of the men, with at least 10 tattoos scattered across his face, shouted at me.

"welcome, guests. let's have our hosts behind us introduce themselves..." the same man says quietly.

...hosts? i thought namjoonie was the only one back there?

as the men move away, three men tied to the chairs were seen, making mine and most probably everyone else's stomachs do a backflip.

namjoon is in the middle of seokjin and hoseok, who are fully equipped with handcuffs, nano inject and liquid blades.

we're going to get arrested if they free themselves!

"let's make a deal," yong-sun speaks up for the first time, smirking after saying his statement, "you all give us yoongi, or..," yong-sun takes a handgun and points it at the three men, reloading it, "or they all die..."

"what will you choose?"

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