forty eight.

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jungkook's pov

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jungkook's pov.

they're not back.

it's been 5 hours. 5 hours!

where are they? is taehyung still chasing jimin around the city at this time of night? it can't be.

to be honest with you, taehyung would have given up running in the first 10 minutes.

for hours i've been tempted to wake everyone up, alerting them of jimin and taehyung still wondering somewhere in neon district (or at this point, possibly zaibatsu or another city far away from here.)

it's worrying how far they could have gone, and heck, they could be closer than i think which makes this even more distressing.

"mmm... baby bunny, you're still awake?" namjoonie cuddled into my back more, engulfing me into a spoon cuddle on the shabby spare room's bed.

"i can't sleep. i haven't heard that jimin and taehyung have come back yet and i'm too concerned to get rest."

"aw, baby. look, i know how to get you to sleep. my parents used to use it on me."

"but what about jimin and taehyung? huh? are we just gonna forget that they even exist?!" i snapped.

"we'll worry about that tomorrow. for now, let's just focus on us," namjoonie placed his two thumbs on either side of my nose, and pressed down gently whilst moving them across my cheekbones, and repeating the same process.

"drowsy yet?" namjoon spoke, his voice reminding me of feathers and pillows; soft and tranquil.

"y-yeah, very..." i replied, my eyelids shutting and tiredness washing over my head.

namjoon stopped his thumb movements, kissing my cheeks. "goodnight, bunny."

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