twenty eight.

12 2 0

jungkook had gotten dressed in something else

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jungkook had gotten dressed in something else. he hadn't changed his clothes in a few days because he hasn't had the chance too.

namjoon literally couldn't change his clothes, he had no extra clothes. jungkook had agreed to lend namjoon some of his clothes for the time being, so namjoon was wearing ripped jeans and one of jungkook's oversized sweaters, which almost fit namjoon.

damn, jungkook would look beautiful in oversized clothes.

they walked out of the apartment and down the corridor and out into the outdoors, the cold air breathing into their faces.

they walked out onto a small space, where small fires and black bin bags were scattered. the two continued walking, ignoring the fires.

they walked out onto a road next, where stores were lined up against the side. namjoon took note that a clothing store was here, as well as a phone store and the e-cash bank.

as they were about to turn the corner, they saw a large crowd of people looking at something in front of them.

"can we stop to see what they're looking at?" jungkook looked st namjoon with cute puppy eyes, pouting his bottom lip out.


jungkook's face lit up and he hopped up and down. "thank you, namjoonie!" he smiled his adorable bunny smile at namjoon.

namjoon's cheeks flared up. "no problem, bunny," the nickname involuntarily came out, but namjoon found the nickname cute and he may be using it from now on.

jungkook stopped jumping and blushed a shade of pink on his cheeks and continued to smile at namjoon.

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