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Jungkook POV

I visited Taehyung every day. I took him out to the gardens, where I let him touch different flowers and I taught him their names. Every smile that appeared on his face after he learnt a new plant, oh how those smiles lit up my heart. He loved morning glories the most. He said it smelled like me. 

On the fresh morning of May 30th, I made my way up to Ginseng Mansion with a smile on my face and a bunch of morning glories in my hand. Jimin opened the door for me and grinned knowingly at the plants.

"These must be for Taehyung," he teased. "You know he won't be able to see them."

"Oh but he'll hear and feel them," I answered sharpishly and sure of myself. "I'll make sure of that."

He let me in to the house, and I knocked onto the sliding door.

"Tae?" I called out. "Can I come in?"

No reply.

"Tae ah? Are you in there?" I said slightly louder. Still no answer. Worried, I keyed in the password for the door and slid it open.

Taehyung was there, on the couch. He looked perfectly fine.

"Tae?" I asked again. He kept his back against me. I put a hand on his shoulder, but he just turned away more. I saw tears on his cheek. "Taehyung are you crying?"

"No I'm fine," He said quietly. "Really."

"Taehyung, you can tell me."

"No I can't, Jungkook," Tae said firmly. He sounded...angry. Really angry. I kept my hand on his shoulder.

"Please tell me Taehyung," I said. "No secrets remember?" His face dimmed and he finally turned to me. Right underneath his glasses, I could see that his cheekbone was stained wet.

"You shouldn't visit me anymore," He said softly. "You have a good life, you will have a good life if you hang out with your friends and do what you've love." I parted my lips slightly in shock.

"But Tae," I replied. "I like being with you."

"Being with a blind man? Please," He half laughed half choked. "I know you're here for the money. I don't blame you."

"Taehyung, I'm not here for the money," I assured him. "I like you, I like you a lot." I took a deep breath.

"I might even love you."

Taehyung looked up and stared at me. Well, his face turned to my direction at last.

"Do you mean it?" He whispered, grasping for my hands. I took his warm palms in mine and interlocked his fingers with mine.

"I promise I do, Tae," I answered. "Since the very first day I met you." I pulled him towards me and rested my head on his.

"Yours not just taking advance of a blind man?" He breathed, tilting his head up like a child. I pressed my forehead against his.

"I would never, Tae," I said. "Don't think like that."

His fingers grazed my chin, and danced across my cheeks and eyes. His warm breath hit my nose.

"I want to know what you look like, Jungkook," He said. "Can - can I try and know what you look like?" I laughed and loosened my grasp on his hand.

"Of course," I said.

His hands passed over my eyes, and forehead and lips. As his fingertips passed my lips, I kissed them gently, taking him by surprise. He giggled childishly, but continued exploring my features.

"You're handsome," He concluded at last, blushing beet red. I laughed and hugged him closer.

"Thank you," I said. "But I have a favour to ask of you too."

"Name it."

"I want to see your eyes," I said firmly. "Let me see what your eyes look like." He shrunk back.

"N-no," He said nervously. "That I can't." I clutched his hands again.

"Why not love?"

"You don't even know why I'm blind!" He exclaimed. "You won't understand!"

"Then make me understand," I said, pressing a chaste kiss on his lips, surprising him. "Please."

He buried deeper into my chest, and fingered with the edge of his frames.

"My ex boyfriend abused me," Taehyung whispered into my neck. "At one point he smashed a bottle on my head, and..." His voice broke off and he snuffled into my shoulder again.

"Shh, love, you're alright," I spoke into his ear. "I'm here now."

Then shyly, Taehyung grabbed the ends of his glasses and took them off.

And oh my god.

I didn't expect it. His eyes were simple brown, cool as glass. But they glimmered with such life that it took my breath away. The irises of his pupils were dotted with stars.

"They're beautiful," I smiled at last, cupping his face in my hand and kissing him gently on the lips. "You're beautiful."

"I love you," he whispered. "I love you so much."

My lips found his, and it was as if we couldn't let go. He tasted sweet, like spun sugar. My fingers lifted his chin so I could kiss him better. His jaw dropped as he let out a blissful sigh, and I took advantage of it and slid my tongue through his parted teeth. Surprised, he ran his fingers through the hair on the back of my head.

At last, I pulled away because I noticed that his lips had gone red and swollen. Taehyung felt it too, and he touched his mouth sheepishly.

"You're a good kisser," he grinned.

"Only when I have the right partner," I replied. "You're a great person to kiss you know."

I remembered the flowers that I had put down earlier.

"Here love," I said, prying his fingers off mine and putting the flowers into his hands. He sniffed the blooms and stroked the stems.

"These are morning glories!" He exclaimed. I laughed and pecked his cheek. "Too bad I can't see them."

"You will, love," I assured him. "I'll stay with you forever and describe everything you come into contact with." Tae clutched my arm and hid in the crook of my neck.

"I can't see you," He murmured. "But I know you're beautiful."

I smiled fondly at him.

"I love you too."

(A/n: Persona dropped yesterday aha I'm from Hong Kong so... It's the morning right now and I'm listening to the old albums XD)

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