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Third Person POV

The newly married couple were escorted in a flurry of white confetti, to the banquet hall, where the dinner feast would commence. The grooms took their seats at the frontmost table, along with their closest friends- the members of BTS of course.

"I hope you're not serving seafood tonight," Namjoon chuckles, taking his first sip of red wine. "I'd kill for some steak right now."

"Oh enough with your silent protesting, shellfish were meant to be eaten," Seokjin rolls his eyes, propping Jihyun into her high chair. "You need to set a good example for Hyun if you're gonna want her to not be a picky eater."

The bickering couple are quickly shut off, as the waiters begin serving the first course. Thankfully, it is neither red meat or white. It is soup.

Taehyung is first to tuck in, ravenously scooping spoonfuls of bright orange pumpkin bisque into his mouth, quickly regretting his decision as the burning hot liquid stings his tongue. He spins to Jungkook for help, who is no help whatsoever as he bursts out laughing, amused at the sight of his husband flailing like a madman.

Finally, someone thrusts a glass of cold water at Tae, who gulps it down gratefully, shooting looks of betrayal at Jungkook, who is still clutching at his stomach in a fit of giggles. It is only when things calm down, that they realise the whole room is staring at them.

The two, red in the face, pretend not to notice, keeping their heads down.

"Guess we'll always be the weird couple, huh?" Taehyung sighs, wiping the corners of his smeared mouth.

"Some things never change," Jungkook agrees. "Oh well. They'd better get used to it."

Yoongi snorts loudly in the middle of eating his piece of unsettling large bread.

"You two aren't the weirdest, trust me," He says. "Don't you remember what happened last year at Namjoon and Jin's wedding?"

Namjoon blushes red.

"We don't talk about that!"

Seokjin groans, but his smile can't be missed. He mimics an airplane as he zooms a spoon of cooled down soup into gurgling Hyun's mouth, cooing at her.

"Oh yeah, your daddy knocked over the candles and set fire to the whole banquet hall!" Jin exclaims fake enthusiastically, glancing at Joon with mischief in his eyes. In return the younger pouted and hid himself in the palms of his hands.

The rest of the dinner is a blur of laughter and reminiscing, full of embarrassing stories and sneaky touches and kisses exchanged between the couples at the table. After dessert is cleared away, and even Hobi's fifth glass of beer is empty, Jimin takes to the stage, MC cards in hand and huge smile on his face.


Jungkook POV

"Welcome everybody, to the wedding banquet of Taehyung and Jungkook!"

The cheers are loud, maybe even slightly drunk. How unsurprising. I'm sure the champagne Tae ordered were well reciprocated.

"It's time for the grooms to open up the dance floor."

Jimin nods slightly in the DJ's direction, who slips in a disk and through the speakers, the mellow, familiar tune of Speechless by Dan and Shay begins to play. Right on cue, Taehyung reaches for my hand, eyes pulling me in as his lips curl into a goofy smile.

"Will you dance with me?"

I bite my lip, holding back a grin.

"Of course, my Prince Charming."

You say you'll be down in five

The smell of your perfume

Is floating down the stairs

You're fixing up your hair like you do

His arms find my waist, and mine find his neck. I can't bare the guests staring at me, so I bury my face into Taehyung's neck. He smells like violets and purple candy floss, and I'm immediately brought to tears as reality begins hitting me.

I'm married.

To my best friend. My soulmate. The most perfect man in the world.

I know that I'll be a mess

The second that I see you

You won't be surprised

It happens every time

It's nothing new

"I never got to tell you how gorgeous you looked on the aisle," Tae murmurs into my ear, all the while swaying gently, and caressing my head. "I mean, you've always been stunning, but the moment you walked into that hall, baby I-"

I giggle and cut him off, pressing my finger against his mouth lest he comes up with something he shouldn't be saying around party guests.

"Likewise, darling," I drawl out, kissing the side of his neck. "I still can't believe this is real."

It's always on a night like tonight

I thank God you can read my mind

'Cause when you look at me with those eyes

Our lips connect, and all I can see is white spots, like rose petals are floating all around us like soft snow. It is as if some black hole had opened up and swallowed every being in the room, leaving the two of us alone. All I can feel are his soft kisses on my trembling lips. Something about wedding kisses are so different. There's such a sense of... belonging. Security.

I look up, and Tae eyes stare into mine.

I'm speechless

Staring at you, standing there in that dress

What it's doing to me, ain't a secret

'Cause watching you is all that I can do

And I'm speechless

You already know that you're my weakness

After all this time I'm just as nervous

Every time you walk into the room

I'm speechless

I'm speechless. Judging by his lost puppy expression, Taehyung is too.

And that's okay.

Because words couldn't convey how we're feeling right now.

"Jungkook," Tae mumbles. "I could be with you for 20, 30 more years, and I would still be as nervous, still as shy, and in absolute awe of the person you are and the person you make me."

A glistening tear escapes down a path on my cheek.

"And I couldn't ask for anything better."

My tears are staining his jacket now.

"Wow, I'm a mess," I sniff, rubbing at my eyes which has surely caused my mascara to smudge. "Not the best look at a wedding, huh."

Taehyung cups my face in the palm of his hand.

"You look perfect, honey."

I wrinkle my nose comically.

"Since when do you call me honey?!"

Taehyung laughs.

"Since I married you."

There go those damn butterflies again. God, every day got better, and I was dying to know what would come next for us.

But for now, I think I'll focus on the way Taehyung's looking at me.

(A/N: omg I'm so sorry I completely forgot to update.)

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