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f͎a͎l͎l͎i͎n͎g͎ ͎l͎i͎k͎e͎ ͎t͎h͎e͎ ͎s͎t͎a͎r͎s͎

Third Person POV

Night falls quickly, like a blanket draping over the once bright sky. The man in the moon lights the candles, and the stars flicker in hues of gold.

Taehyung reaches out and taps Jungkook on the shoulder, who gazes at him, eyebrows raised in question as he wipes the sweat off of his forehead.

"You ready to get out of here?" Tae asks, nodding subtly at the waiting car. It's been a week since their last date night, but to them it feels like it's been forever.

"More than ready," Jungkook smiles, shrugging on a denim jacket. "Where are you taking us this time?"

Taehyung presses a finger to his lips, signalling their destination a secret. He has mischief in his eyes, and Jungkook's aches with excitement. He can always count on Tae's crazy ideas, let it be renting out an amusement park, or sneaking into a locked ice rink. Jungkook trusts him to make him feel loved.

The car ride is unusually silent. Tae's body language reads anxious, his fingers clenching and unclenching, foot tapping on the ground. His pretty black hair was starting to fade, highlights of his natural brown hair starting to show. 

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asks gently. Tae jolts, as if caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. He cracks a grin, but he stills seems unsure.

"N-Nothing!" He assures, voice a little airier than usual. "Don't worry about me, baby, its nothing, I promise."

Jungkook purses his lips, sure that something fishy is going on. Before he can speak his mind, the car stops. Though the tinted windows, Jungkook can make out the silhouette of a grey, cement building, obviously finding it hard to stay standing with its weakening walls.

Jungkook's breath hitches as he recognises the building.

"Oh Tae," He gasps. "Our old dance practice studio."

Taehyung smiles, sheepish and flushed. 

"Come on."

He threads their hands together as the car door slides open, and Tae leads him through the creaky foyer, into the elevator which stops with a croaky ding at the seventh floor.

Jungkook steps out into the room. It's smaller than he remembered. The ground dusty, the walls are chipped and vandalised with graffiti. The wall facing the street had been demolished, and in its place were huge windows that showed the entire landscape of Seoul.

The two are engulfed in emotion, the familiarity somewhat whimsical. They could recall every tear shed, every stumble, every moment they had spent in the very room. 

It felt so long ago, the first day they met. Jungkook almost laughs at the thought of himself, immature and young. New to love, yet absolutely sure that Tae was the one.

Jungkook found himself in awe of the new scenery. How magical the studio was, dark, but painted with the glow of the moon and the sparkle of the stars. He turns around to gush his thankfulness to Taehyung.

Only to find him down on one knee.

Jungkook's eyes widen, and his heart pounds as the moment he had been waiting for all his life began to enfold.

"Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung began, taking Kook's shaking hands in his. "My love, my light, my princess, my angel. You're my everything, Jungkook."

"Right here, in this practice room, was where I first lay eyes on you. You were so stunning, your voice like a ray of sunshine, your smile brighter than the sun. You, who grew to be my protector, my best friend, my lover. I don't think I ever could have fallen for someone other than you. I need you to know, my love, that I fall for you, over and over again, every day."

"All those nights, where I held you close to me, whispering that I could hold you forever. All those times, we joked about life, never really caring for the seriousness of things. Well now, I tell you this, Jeon Jungkook," Taehyung reached into his pocket, and from it unsheathed a diamond ring. 

"I want to kiss you forever, hold you forever, be with you forever. I want to be the one you wake up to every morning, and the one you sleep by every night. And I promise to cherish you, and keep you, and care for you when the rest of the world seems not to. I love you, Jungkook, I love you."

Taehyung's eyes glitter with tears, and Jungkook decides they are brighter than any old diamond ring.

"Jungkook, will you marry me?"

The younger bursts into tears, and throws himself into Tae's arms. It's such a secure and safe feeling. It feels like the sky is exploding around him, nothing ever felt so clear and true to him before.

Their lips meet, and Jungkook thinks about how even their mouths align so well. When they part, they're both to of breath, overwhelmed with passion and pure love. Love is thick in the air tonight, and all the two young boys want to do is drown in it.

Taehyung blinks away the drops of joy in the corner of his eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 

"So is that a yes?"

Jungkook laughs, choking on a sob that had built up in his throat earlier on. 

"Yes, my beautiful idiot. Yes forever and always."

He allows Tae to place the ring on his finger. It slots into place perfectly. Just like everything else.

"No running away from me this time," Tae says teasingly. "You're mine forever."

Jungkook hums in agreement, burying his face into Tae's neck. It's the best feel

"Thank you."

"For what, angel?"

"For loving me," He whispers. "And letting me love you."

(a/n: stay safe and healthy. <3)

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