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r o b b e r s

Jungkook POV

My heart is thrumming in my chest as the car pulls up at the jewellery store. A harsh wind ruffles my hair when we stop suddenly.

"Take the handgun, baby," Taehyung says, getting out the drivers seat. "We might need it."

I rummage through the glove compartment, and find my special gun. My favourite one, the one with a crystal handle. I spin it around on my finger, getting out of the car. Taehyung looks so crazy hot, his blood red hair held up by a bandana, half his face hidden my a black mask, his honey tan skin covered by a simple black outfit.

Before I pull up my own mask, I smirk and kiss him. He smells strongly like soap and musk. That signature scent of mystery that seems to linger at every crime scene.

"You always look so fucking pretty like this, you psycho," I note. Tae grins proudly, and pokes at his inner cheek with his tongue.

We quietly creep our way to the back door, where there's a keypad for the password. I roll my eyes, and pull out a coding device. Preschool stuff really.

"Amateurs," I snicker, placing the machine over the keypad, watching as it beeps and sparks and goes green, and the door swings open. "Whoever did these locks needs to be fired."

"Your genius never ceases to impress me baby," Taehyung says, smacking a cupped hand against my ass, causing my cheeks to go red.

Carefully, we slink into the dark shop, making sure to not set off any triggers. There are countless glass cases, filled with silver strings dripping with jewels, rings of gold and precious stones, brooches of cold metal and crystals. 

"Bullseye," Taehyung whispers, pulling out a knife from a pocket on his trousers. Expertly, he reaches for the outlet that controls all the alarms and locks on the display cases. It takes him a while, but soon there's a hiss and spurt as the outlet short-circuits, and the cases are disarmed. 

I take the lid off a few cases, and gently take the delicate jewellery in my fingers, before pouring them into my pockets. 

"God, these are gorgeous," I breath, admiring a pretty string of pearls. "They must be worth millions."

Taehyung admires a few pieces with lazy eyes, but quickly scans somewhere else, as if he's looking for something in particular. I crease my forehead.

"Are you looking for something?"

"Well, yes," He admits, running his fingers through a tray of rings with gloved hands. "There's this necklace-"

He stops when he lays eyes on a huge glass box. Inside it, is the most breathtaking necklace, dripping in silver, adorned with tiny feathers carved of platinum and clusters of diamonds and black sapphires. 

"This one," He says. "This is what we're here for."

I watch in suspense as Taehyung reaches out with his knife, and pries open the box. Immediately, alarms go off, and flashing red lights fill the room. I can hear sirens begin to drift from afar, as Taehyung curses, and grabs the necklace from the display, and pulls me by the arm, dashing towards the exit. 

There's a huge grin on my face. It's been so long since I felt this adrenaline rush through my body, the energy pumping through my veins. Taehyung's hand in mine as we make a wild dash for the car. 

It's not long until we're cornered by police cars, men in blue running out to apprehend us. I slowly reach for the gun in my back-pocket.

"Easy tiger," Taehyung whispers with a growl into my ear, winking. "I got your back."

"On my count," I whisper back, now clutching the gun handle tightly with my hand. "One, two-"

We both pull our guns out in sync, and fire. There's a smirk on my face, as the air is filled with bursts of amber flames and the heavy scent of gunpowder wafts under my nose. It doesn't take long, until every officer is lying on the ground, bleeding into the concrete ground. Taehyung taps my arm.

"Let's go baby," He smiles. "You did good."

"God, you're so hot when you kill people."

We burst into psychotic laughter, as we climb into the car, and drive off down the dark, unlit roads. My heartbeat is still fast and heavy, as I chew and tug at my lip, gazing at Taehyung as he drives. The wind breezes through his hair, an ever present smirk on his deep red lips. God, this man will be the death of me. I swear, my heart bleeds out every time I look at him.

We park in a dark alleyway to inspect the goods. I empty my pockets, onto the floor, spilling out beads of gold and silver and blue and green. They'll sell well, and I'll be able to buy that pretty guitar I saw the other week.

Taehyung reaches into his pocket, and pulls out that breathtaking necklace that had gotten us into trouble in the first place. I lick my lips, watching how the moonlight reflected off its shine.

"We won't have to work for months," I exclaim, rubbing a particular sapphire between my fingers. "This is a real gem."

"Oh, we're not gonna sell this one," Taehyung says. "This one," He drapes the heavy string of jewels around my neck, and clicks it in place. "This one's for you baby."

I laugh in disbelief, feeling the cold stones hanging at the base of my throat like drops of rain. I pull Taehyung closer, by his neck, until our noses touch and our lips are ever so close. When they actually connect, the whole world goes still. 

Not a single jewel would ever amount to this amazing man.

(A/n: How are you guys doing? Quarantine is so boring, I know. Take some time to take care of yourselves properly please. I hope you guys stay healthy and safe <3 Feel free to chat with me!)

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