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moon river 🌙

Jungkook POV

I love how the first thing I see when I wake up is Taehyung.

I love how the first thing I touch when I wake up is Taehyung.

I love how the first thing I smell when I wake up is Taehyung.

The blanket is no use to me, when instead I have the warmest pair of arms in the world wrapped around my torso. I pull Taehyung closer to me as he stirs awake, mumbling hazy good mornings and sweet nothings. The way his nose burries into my shoulder, I can tell that all he wants to do is cuddle all day.

"We mustn't  dawdle, my love," I giggle. "We have a lunch date with Yoongi and Hoseok."

"Must we?" He complains, reaching for me with grabby hands as I step out of bed. "We see them every day."

I shoot him a raised eyebrow, and he chuckles.

"Fine, whatever you say angel," Tae smiles. "Run the bath, and I'll join you in a second."

He heads downstairs, and I go to the bathroom to get the bath ready. Taehyung bumbles in just as I'm slipping off my nightie, holding the radio. 

"I thought you'd like to listen to the music station this morning," He says kindly. "I know how much you love the songs they play."

"Simply because Audrey Hepburn and Doris Day are frequent guests," I admit. "They're simply stunning figures."

Tae fiddles with the knobs, and the gentle introduction to Moon River fills the room with calm. He steps into the tub of warm, rose scented water, and I perch on his lap, lettings his hands wet my skin. 

Moon River

Wider than a mile.

I'm crossing you in style, some day.

I feel wet kisses being pressed against my nape, and I hum approvingly. 

"I prefer Ilene Woods," Taehyung murmurs. "Her work in Cinderella was absolutely flawless."

"You old minded thing," I laugh. "You're still stuck in the past."

Suddenly the radio crackles, and the music is replaced by sharp, blaring words. Tae and I jolt to attention.

We apologise for interrupting the program. News has just come from Parliament that is sending all sorts of people into array, as homosexuality has just been decriminalised. Let me repeat, today is February 1st, 1967. Homosexuality has just been decriminalised, and no sexual act done by same sex couples in public or private can or will be seen as offence. Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

I look at Taehyung with wide eyes, as the music plays again. His grip on my waist tightens, as hope fills his face. 

"Angel..." He whispers, cupping my face with his hand. "Do you know what that means?"

"W-We can be us?" I say, my voice starting to break. "We can kiss, and hug, and..."

"Oh my love," Taehyung holds me to his heart, so I can hear his heartbeat pressed against my ear. "Thank the heavens."

His expression is pure joy, his mind in a dreamland, as his fingers twirl within my moistened hair.

"Now, don't let this news distract you," I tease. "You still have to wash my hair."

Walking through Hyde Park felt incredibly different. 

My face felt hot, as we walked hand in hand. The winter wind blew through my coat, and I tightened my scarf. I felt stares on me like needles piercing into every aspect of my skin. Tae feels the nerves in my veins, and he rubs the back of my hand reassuringly.

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