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just the two of us 💓

(a/n: pls listen to Just The Two of Us by Bill Withers for maximum effect <3)

Taehyung POV

February 14. 7:46 pm on a Sunday.

I tap the rough pads of my fingertips against the cold glass in my hand. There's nothing but half-melted ice cubes and a thin pool of golden brown alcohol at the bottom. The jazz ensemble is nothing but background sound to my whirlpool of thoughts, as I glance once again at the grandfather clock standing by the wall. 

"More whiskey, sir?" The waiter asks suddenly, catching me by surprise as I bite my tongue. 

"Yes, please, thank you," I answer hastily, sitting up a little straighter in my navy velvet lounge chair. 

Clearing my throat and sipping anxiously, I fix my necktie, and smooth out an uncomfortable crease in my suit jacket. God, where could he be at this hour? Could he have somehow carelessly forgotten, or lost track of precious time?

I'm on the verge of giving up. Perhaps I should finish my drink and head home, maybe I'd have more luck there. 

As I sigh, rolling my head against the back of the seat, I catch sight of the candles adorning the staircase at the back flicker, and shadows cast against the creamy wallpaper. Curse my bad eyesight, I think frustratedly, squinting to try and decipher the face of the blur ascending the steps. 

A leopard print blouse, unbuttoned halfway to make way for smooth gleaming skin of a chest. Flowing red outer shirt, the colour of burning embers of a flame, and matching trousers. As the figure moves in closer, it swings its legs onto the couch and swoops his head so it angles at my vision.

"You're late," I smile, allowing him to plant a slightly apologetic kiss on my cheek. 

"Good things come to those who wait," Jungkook teases, stretching like a feline before falling back-first into my arms. "Lovely little jazz club, this is. Not very crowded though, why's that?" 

"I booked it out for the night," I reply casually, studying how gorgeous he looks tonight, especially in this light. "I didn't want to share my  valentine's day night."

Jungkook props himself up on his arms, a goofy smile painted over his lips. 

"Ah, to be rich and respected."

I run my thumb across his bottom lip, and kiss him gently.

"I think you mean, to be in love."

Before Jungkook can giggle, I snap my fingers and motion for the bartender. He hurries to our side, eager eyes bright and feet stumbling nervously, which I cannot blame. Serving Seoul's wealthiest self-made billionaire and his lover is not easy.

"Drinks for me and my love, if you please," I order, waving a hand. "Surprise us with something spicy, yes?" 

With a vigorous nod and a yes sir, he scuttles off. Jungkook twists in my arms, until his head lies comfortably on my shoulder. In the moment, I want to pepper him with kisses and hold him till he pants for me to stop, but alas, I do have a reputation to hold up. Instead, I hold his hands and smile at him. I know he hates this, detests when I look at him a second too long, because he flushes red and claims it is undignified.

"Tae," Jungkook hisses scoldingly. "Stop oggling me like I'm an animal in a zoo."

I laugh. 

"Darling! I'm not!"

He punches me lightly in the arm, pouting as he lifts his sleeves to hide his face. Immediately, I grab his hands and hold them tightly in mine. I shake my head.

"No hiding your pretty face, my love."

He whines in protest, but quickly shuts himself up as the bartender returns with a silver tray and two glasses.

"I offer you Love Struck, sir," He smiles confidently. "Vodka and passion fruit liqueur, with notes of cranberry and lemon, topped with some light prosecco. Not too heavy, not too light, just enough heft and airiness."

With a word of thanks, I send him away for the last time of the night. Now we're really alone, except for the jazz band still playing sultry night tunes in the far corner. Jungkook takes first sip, and from the way his eyes light up, I know it's delicious. 

The atmosphere, hazy with good alcohol and saxophone, seems to seep through my skin and into my bones. Usually I'd be ridden with sleep, but tonight I want nothing more than to dance the night away. Maybe it's the drinks, but I shift off the couch and get onto my feet. I offer my hand to Jungkook, who stares at me in disbelief and a half smile. 

"Care for a dance, enticing stranger?"

"Oh how enchanting," He answers with an underlying mocking tone, but still placing his hand into mine. "Dear me, you hardly ever dance, Taehyung."

I pull him in, encouraging him to put his arms around my neck as I snake mine around his waist. 

"Well, valentine's day has got to be an exception, no?" I shrug, beginning to sway my hips to the beat. "Or do you prefer me standing still?"

"No no, I like this version of you," Jungkook assures, leaning near my ear to whisper into my ear, "It's very sexy."

I raise an eyebrow with a smirk. 

"How bold, Mr Jeon."

He chuckles, then presses a deep kiss to my parted lips, taking me by surprise as my fingers naturally find themselves tangling through his wavy raven locks. Jungkook slips in his tongue sneakily, which I reciprocate gladly, before finally catching his lip between my teeth, smirking again.

"If you wanted a kiss from me, all you had to do was ask," He says cheekily. "You didn't have to take the dance route."

"Oh but you're getting ahead of yourself," I frown. "I wasn't going to give you such a gorgeous kiss until after the gifts."

Jungkook's mouth rounds into a little 'o'.

I grin, and clap twice.

My claps bring forth two men, each brandishing a gift. More obvious to the eye, the first man holds a bouquet of velvet, wine coloured peonies, a more cliché valentine's present, but a timelessly good one.

The second man steps forward, and with a smile, places a medium sized box into Jungkook's excited palms. Scrabbling at the shiny purple wrapping paper and untying the golden ribbon, he lifts the lid to reveal a ball of yapping fluff.

"Oh my god, darling, you didn't-" He gasps, hugging the wriggling Pomeranian to his chest. "How did you know?"

Satisfied with his reaction, I mark him with another kiss, and then another to his neckline, smiling into the back of his head. 

"I'm your husband, of course I knew," I snort. "Don't take me for a fool, my love."

"I won't I won't," Jungkook gushes, pouncing onto me with another hug. "Oh I love you so."

As we kiss (for the thousandth time of the night), I can't help wondering how cliché I've become. Oh the things I do for love.

Even if it was for the sake of the way he looks at me, it'd be worth the world and beyond.

(a/n: firstly im so sorry i meant to update on valentine's day but i was busy :C. secondly i'm sorry this sucks like so bad, i was kind of rushing. promise the next chap will be so much better.)

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