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robot au

Third Person POV

When KTH1 first came to be, no one expected it to ever be defeated. The sleekest, highest quality, artificially intelligent machina, not only extraordinary capable but breathtakingly beautiful.

At first glimpse, Taehyung, as engineers call him, is but a rather pretty human, silver eyed and platinum haired. But a closer look at his limbs, the outlines of metal bones would be visible under the synthetic skin.

KTH1, the killing machine.

On the other side of the spectrum, those who seeked peace created their own protector.

The JJK1, a similar model, was born. This delicate looking male robot with big sapphire eyes and soft black hair, was only a cute facade to what it's true ability.

Jungkook, they called him. The hero.

The two non reprimandable machines collided in battle, in constant fighting state, until it became clear neither would really prevail and win.


The sky was a single shade of grey, as explosions could be heard from a deserted warehouse downtown.

Taehyung smirked.

"Back for more?" The robot chirped, his voice still a tinge robotic.

Jungkook lowered the gun imbedded in his arm, and sighed.

"What a shame, every time I see your gorgeous face, it's only to terminate you," He replies cooly. "When are you going to take me out on a proper date, hm KTH1?"

The silver bot grins, and brandishes knives from his slender fingers. He prods one of the blades onto his silicon lip, licking the dark red blood from the tip.

"Normal dates are boring, no?" Taehyung yawns. "Aren't these little meetings more exciting?"

Jungkook chuckles, and promptly pulls out the guns fitted into his hips.

Taehyung raises an eyebrow and smiles cockily.

"You're gonna die."

The latter's eyes glitter with anticipation.

"I'm gonna kill you."

Mouths pressed shut, guns fire and blades clash. A bullet narrowly misses Taehyung's shoulder as he flips away, sticking the dagger on his heel into Jungkook's thigh.

The younger tilts his head to review the damage, and decides it is but a scratch. He follows him, continuously pulling the trigger, every shot just barely missing Taehyung's nimble body.

"One would think you're missing me on purpose," Tae taunts coyly. "Don't wanna hurt me?"

Jungkook grunts, and charges forward with machine gun on full blast. Taehyung takes a few hits, but it's nothing his steely exterior can't take.

With a frustrated yell, Jungkook leaps up, locking his legs around Tae's waist, pinning him onto the floor. They struggle, pushing and rolling around the cold floor. Seeing that they're both electrically drained, Taehyung pushes himself, and throws Jungkook off of him. The seemingly defeated bot glares at him, and spring up again.

This time he has a blade in his own hand, which he presses against Taehyung's neck- his circuits.

Jungkook sneers.


What he's not aware of is Taehyung has gone limp, and his face is frozen in surprise, and is that... Blush?

Confused, Jungkook loosens his grip.

"KTH1, are you blushing?"

Taehyung doesn't reply, but stays rooted to the spot. Jungkook can't help but feel this is an unfair fight. He must be short circuiting.

Using the tip of the knife, he peels the metal layer off of the right side of Taehyung's scalp, where his software programs should be.

To his surprise, the software pad is completely not in function.

"How are you still working?" Jungkook exclaims, poking around the wires. "Your software pad is down."

Taehyung's voice comes out as a scared whisper.

"I don't know."

Their eyes meet.

This can only mean one thing, and they both know it.

"You've gained consciousness," Jungkook says slowly. "H-how..."

He jolts away from Taehyung, activating the analysis lens in his right eye to scan for malfunctions. There's nothing out of the ordinary, except...

"My scanners are showing signs of vitals..." He croaks. "Taehyung y-you're-"

The latter clamps a hand around his mouth, preventing him from speaking. Jungkook struggles against his grip, writhing to be freed. He looks up to see Tae staring down at him with pleading eyes. 

"Jungkook, listen to me," He hisses. "Promise if I let you go of you, you'll listen to what I have to say?"

Hesitant, the raven haired bot ceases his movement and nods. Taehyung gently eases his hands off of his face, and he tumbles to the ground and onto his knees. Tae crouches beside him, crossing his legs so they're on the same level. 

"I've grown sick of being controlled," Taehyung whispers angrily, fists shaking. "I don't know how, or when, but I knew I was different the day I set eyes on you."

"You lit a spark in me, JJK1," He continues. "And I knew it wasn't normal for a machine to develop feelings, let alone romantic ones."

Jungkook's eyes widen.

"You're saying..."

Taehyung droops his head.

"I am in love with you."

Jungkook feels his circuits heating up. Any moment he could overheat and shut down. Is this part of some diabolical plan? He eyes the latter. But he looks so genuine. Genuinely human. How the hell is this possible?

"I approached engineers in the Rebellion," Tae explains. "They've developed so much more than we've all anticipated, and they've found a way to give bots consciousness."

Jungkook shivers, and glances at his indicators. They're glowing orange, meaning the heat he was producing was beginning to affect his gears, due to a large amount of unprocessable data in the words that Taehyung was saying.


"It's gonna take a little while longer, but it's working, Jungkook," He says excitedly, approaching the short circuiting bot in front of him who was retreating with fear. "If you'd just let me show you, we could happy together, Jungkook. Please."

Unable to sit up anymore, Jungkook leans on his arms, limbs stiffing up. He gazes at Taehyung, the only one who can save him in this moment. To be human, he thinks to himself. What is it like to be human? 

Is love as good at Taehyung makes it out to be?

His whirl of thoughts black out, as he goes limp and falls into Taehyung's arms.

"You're gonna be okay."

(a/n: part 2?)

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