
1.1K 37 6

fai ry  mount ain

fantasy au

Third Person POV

The sun hung above Fairy Mountain, rays of warm golden light reaching across the candy blue sky.

Lazily, Jungkook stretched out his arms, smoothing out his iridescent purple wings that had creased during his nap.

A smile on his brightened face, he slipped off the face of the flower, and set course to the Middle grounds.

Jungkook zipped past the other fairies, hard at work to bring nature to life again after a long night.

"Jeon Jungkook! No speed flying during work hours!"

The head fairy in charge, a blonde haired figure named Namjoon, grabbed Jungkook by the arms, stopping him just as he was about to go crashing into a tower of baskets.

"Sorry sir," He blushed. "I'm a little late to class."

Namjoon gave him a look of disapproval, before waving him on. Jungkook smirked to himself, as he quickly flitted out of view, passing his school.

Who has time for class, when you have the whole world at your wings?

Jungkook ducked through long winding branches, before arriving at his usual spot in the hidden plains. It was such a beautiful place, full of flowers and ladybugs. Too bad it was forbidden.

He sprawled over an open petalled daisy, catching a lick of honey that had been secreted from the heart of the flower. How blissful it was, to be able to kick back and enjoy life, while everyone else were tied to their tiring jobs and-

"You're not supposed to be here."

Jungkook's eyes jolted open, and was met with an impish looking fairy, hair mint green like candy floss, eyes like a fox. He had pretty wings that matched his hair, that shone holographically at the ends. 

"Who are you?" He continued, picking at his nails while eying the younger fairy. 

"My name's Jungkook," Jungkook responded haughtily, crossing his arms to stand his ground. "And you are...?"

"Taehyung," The taller boy smirks. "Now I believe you have some explaining to do."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and huffed. 

"What gives you the authority?" He questions. Taehyung eyes him with newfound respect.

"You're a feisty one, huh?" Tae grins. "Fine. Just stay out of my way and I won't turn you in."

The taller male flew off, stopping at a nearby lower to lay down. Jungkook watched curiously as the fairy tilted his head back, a breath of relaxation escaping his lips as he let himself drift off into dreamland.

How odd, Jungkook thought to himself. All the times he visited the hidden plains, he'd never had the pleasure of meeting this Taehyung. Maybe finally, he'd have a friend to himself. And he had to admit, he was pretty cute.

Meekly, Jungkook hid himself behind a drooping rose petal, and peeked out to get a good look at Taehyung. He felt his little heart flutter as the verdant haired fairy stirred and wriggled around in his sleep. 

Jungkook stuck out his bottom lip and sulked. His wings behind him flapped with impatience. He was lonely! He wanted to play.

The sound of a falling chestnut startled Jungkook, and it set him shooting straight up, bumping into the stem of the flower that Taehyung had been so serenely sleeping on. Jungkook winced, as the once asleep fairy jolted awake with a yelp.

Taehyung glanced down at the quivering fairy boy beneath him.

"What do you want?" He asked bluntly.              

"I-" Jungkook fumbled for the right words. "I just wanted to play with you."

"Play with me?" Tae snorted. "How old are you, Jungkook?"

"I'm sixteen."

"Amateur," Taehyung muttered. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

Jungkook twirled a vine between his fingers, fluttering up to the top of the flower to be on the same level as the older.

"Supposedly," Jungkook sighed, kicking back his legs. "But I do what I want."

Taehyung lets out a deep chuckle.

"Sixteen isn't the age where you get to decide for yourself."

"Yet it should be," Kook butted in stubbornly. "I'm obviously an adult."

Taehyung chuckles yet again.

"Whatever you say, Jungkookie," He shrugs, the new nickname throwing Jungkook off track, and he blushes. Tae glances at him. "But there must be some sort of reason you don't want to go to school."

Jungkook avoided the boy's stare.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Love, I think you know exactly what it means."

Jungkook shrugs deeper into his shoulders, his wings layering around him like a blanket. 

"School is hard," He croaks, finally giving in to that heart pounding, stomach pulling thought. "It makes me feel so stupid."

Taehyung lays a gentle hand on the top of his head.

"Hey, I know exactly how that feels," He smiles kindly. "To feel useless, no matter how hard you try?"

Jungkook nods, still looking away to hide the beads of tears forming in his eyes like dewdrops.

"That's just life, Jungkook-ssi," Tae continues. "It makes you feel small."

Two fingers, hook under Jungkook's trembling jaw, and lifts his head so that their eyes are locked.

"But life can be a wonderful thing too," Taehyung says, a sparkle in his gaze. "Right, Jungkook-ssi?"

Jungkook finds himself unable to respond. He's never found himself anywhere near other fairies, let alone face to face. But his body doesn't want to fly away, or curl up in a ball. No, his body wants to melt on the spot and throw his arms around this beautiful stranger.

So he gives it a go.

His arms curl around Taehyung's waist, fingertips brushing his satin thin wings. A hug had never felt this good. This groundbreaking. Jungkook wanted more.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked breathlessly. Such statement would have never passed Jungkook's introverted lips, ever. But today, right then, he felt free.

Taehyung grins, eyes crinkling into crescent moons.

"Consent is important," He jokes. "Yes, I give you permission."

Without wasting a second, Jungkook plants his lips onto the latter's. It's fast, just a peck, but it's all the while amazing. 

"Is that all I get?" Taehyung pouts. "I guess I'll have to earn more."

"Tease!" Jungkook laughs accusingly, nudging him in the chest. "We've only just met."

"And yet you asked to kiss me," Tae smirks mischievously. "Who's the tease now?"

Jungkook decides to take up the challenge, and their lips connect once more.

(a/n: exams are in a week hoho. I really shouldn't be updating but I needed a way to relax a bit. 



I love you guys so much <3

Also watch queer eye on Netflix. It's life changing. I love my boys to the moon and back for how much they taught me.

Lastly, maybe I should do some tags? No one has tagged me so I guess I might have to do it myself lmao.)

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