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*if you*

He is leaving

I can't do anything

Love is leaving

I just stand vacantly like a fool

Jungkook POV

I followed behind the hyungs as we made our way to the immigration counters, ears plugged in. I felt my gaze grow tired as I continued to stare at the ground, too afraid that if I looked up, I'd  cry.  

Music poured into my ears like syrup, bringing out vivid memories.

Memories I wanted to forget.

Things I wish never happened.

- flashback to two days ago -

"I can't believe it Taehyung," I spat, throwing my fist down. "How could you do this to me, to all of us?" Taehyung crossed his arms.

"Its my choice," He said. "This is my dream."

I wanted to scream. HIs dream? So his dream all along, had not been to get into BTS. It was a stepping stone to a solo career? And now that someone offered him a recording studio in Tokyo, he was going to go? Just like that?

"Don't take this the wrong way Jungkook," He pleaded, clinging to my arm. "I love you all very much, especially you, love." I brushed him away, scowling. I didn't want to look at him. I was ashamed.

"How could I take this in any way?" I said through gritted teeth. "You're leaving me for a job."

"A dream, Kook, not just a job," He argued. "I thought you would be happy for me!"

"I am!" I roared, throwing my hands into the air. "But I might also not want you to go because I'm happy about what we've been doing together for six years!" I turned around, glaring at Taehyung, who's arms were still tightly pressed against his chest. He opened his mouth, and said something under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear.

"Now I wish I never joined the group."

That did it.

I spun around and sent a loud slap across his face. I hit him so hard that even my own hand stung. The loudness of the action showed just how bad it must have hurt. I watched in mixed shock and anger, as Taehyung grabbed at his cheek in pain, and the others rushed into the room. Hoseok immediately pulled Tae away. I had never seen him so angry.

"What did you do," He muttered, letting Taehyung bury his reddening face into his sweater. "What the fuck did you do Jeon Jungkook." I glanced at Tae, who was crying, then at my hand, which was prickling with heat. I took a breathless step backwards. I couldn't speak. I didn't know what to say. I didn't mean to...

"Just get out," Seokjin sighed, pressing his hands to his forehead. "I can't look at you." I inhaled and exhaled heavily, fingers clenching an unclenching. I darted nervous eyes around the room. I stared at Yoongi for help, but he only shook his head. 

I turned around and ran.

- flashback ends -

"Say your goodbyes," Bang PD nim said impatiently, looking at his watch. "We fly in an hour." Taehyung let go of his luggage and started embracing each member one by one. Seokjin was in tears already, hiding in Namjoon's arms. 

"I miss you already hyung, don't cry please."

"Namjoon- ah, look after hyung and the others too."

"Yoongi sleep less."

"Hobi hyungggg I'll miss your sunshine."

"Jimin, my best friend, I'll text you every day."

He wasn't going to say goodbye to me. I tried to hide myself by staring at the ground. I chewed my lip as he got closer and closer.

And Taehyung hugged me.

His body was so familiar to me. His arms fit perfectly around my waist, as did I fit perfectly in his chest. As soon as I felt him make contact with me, hot tears streamed down my face. I buried my face into his collar, sobbing uncontrollably as he brushed his hands along my back.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I love you so so much."

"I know," He replied, bringing my face up to meet his eyes, which were flowing with tears too. "I love you so much and I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm sorry I hurt you," I choked. "I hate myself so much." Taehyung pressed a short but sweet kiss to my trembling mouth. I went weak and collapsed in his sturdy arms, running my fingers into his cotton like hair, tracing his eyes and nose, trying to memorise every tiny detail about him. I prodded his lips apart with my tongue, his mouth like memory foam, able to know exactly how we kissed every time. 

"I'm going to miss this," He breathed, tucking my hair behind my ears with a shaky hand. "I will miss everything about you."

"I'll call you every day," I answered determinedly, clutching his hands so tightly that I hope he'd stay. "I'll never stop thinking about you."

"Me too," He whispered, cracking a smile. 

Then we both pulled away, knowing it was time. 

He needed to go.

I watched as his figure disappeared into the distance, arms wiping at his face. 

And I missed him already.

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

The car was silent, except for the slight humming of the engine and Namjoon's low snoring at the front seat. I curled up in a ball in my backseat, knees pressed up to my face, eyes gazing out the window hopelessly. 

Rain pattered against the window, emphasising the mood. I leant against the car wall, crying into my sleeves. An airplane zoomed in the air, almost mockingly. I cried and cried.

Taehyung was leaving.

My love, my life.

And I could do nothing 

but love him.

(A/N: 😭😭😭 so sad. 

I was thinking of doing a Q&A session? Idk? Do you guys have any questions for me? If you do, please state them:

here <3

Also since its the 40th chapter idk if y'all want a face reveal or what.

Y'all gonna be surprised to see my face heh I'm a very extremely young army.)

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