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The Night We Met.

Jungkook POV 

I wish I could say that I felt comfortable in my own skin. Is it really possible, when you have two skins? 

I was born this way. A normal human being by day, a swan by night. A pretty one, none the less. It's hard to tell if I'm pretty myself. Taehyung tells me I'm beautiful, but he's a human. Humans are weird.   They're very good at judging other people, but they're not very good at judging themselves.

I'm pondering this, while suddenly I realise everyone on the pond is quiet. The crowd of swans part to show  the prettiest human being I'd ever seen. My feathers ruffled with surprise. I hadn't been expecting Taehyung tonight. His parents were throwing a ball for the Winter Solstice, and as the prince, Tae was expected to attend.

I glided up to where he was kneeling down, my heart warming to see him smile. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask, still speaking in Swan. Tae rests his head on his hand, smiling cutely.

"I ditched," He shrugs, shifting uncomfortably in his shiny white suit. There's a little bag shoved in his front chest pocket, and I try and peck at it but he dodges playfully. "I found something for you."

He pulls out the satchel, and opens it, revealing glittery powder that smells distinctively like blueberries. Without warning, Tae blows some into my face, and I cough. Suddenly I feel my wings growing and there's a burning sensation spreading from my face to my tail. 

I splash into the pond, the water up to my ankles as I am now in my human form. My eyes widen with astonishment and I hug myself, relieved to finally be in my most comfortable shape. And yes, I am clothed as I emerge from the water. My feathers double as some sort of body suit, like what one would wear ice skating.

"How'd you do that?" I ask, reaching out to nab the little pouch. Again, Tae is too quick and I stumble. 

"I asked around," Taehyung said secretively, lips forming a sweet pout. "I couldn't kiss your beak, could I?" 

"Why not?" I laugh, throwing myself into his warm arms. My body is cold as it adjusts to its transformation. I tilt my head up to give him all the kisses that I had been saving up all the time were apart, but he shakes his head. 

"Not yet," He whispers, eyeing the flock of swans staring gobsmacked at the two of us. "Wait until we get somewhere more... private." I grin, and Taehyung guides me deeper into the woods. 

The full moon tonight illuminates the forest with a bluish glow. It isn't creepy, like how it usually is. The trees are like patterns, decorating the velvet sky. The biggest silhouette, is the giant oak tree not far from the hill, where the castle is. We stop at this tree, and just stay quiet for a while, just holding each other, just feeling each other's heartbeats. 

I have so many questions though, bubbling in my chest. So I break the silence first.

"Why did you leave the ball?" I mumble, playing with the ends of Tae's hair. It's original colour is black, really, but in this light it looks ethereal and blue. 

"I wanted to see you," He whispers, moving his hands up and down my back. "I didn't want to dance if it wasn't with you." I smile, satisfied with his answer. I breathe hot air onto my cold hands, trying not to let Tae notice as he would make too much of a deal out of it. Last time I said I was cold, he tried to take his shirt off and put it on me.

Unfortunately for me, Taehyung notices. His face creases up with concern, and he clutches my fingers.

"You're cold," He says disapprovingly, before proceeding to put my hands underneath his dress shirt. I bite my lip as I feel the ripple of muscle at my fingertips. It's unbelievably embarrassing, but at least his stomach is warm.

The silence isn't so silent anymore, when music starts flowing out from the open doors of the castle. Ironically, its the Swan Lake Waltz. 

"Do you dance?" Tae offers, putting out one hand. I take it, giggling.

"Of course I do, I'm a swan for god's sake," I reply, as he twirls me around. "And I love Tchaikovsky. He's a legend." Taehyung places a hand on my waist and chuckles.

I love dancing. Its hard to as a swan, so I do it whenever I am human. Most of the time alone, as I have no partner to dance with. Tae is a great dancer. A romantic dancer. Dancing with him is like dancing on air.

The only downfall I can think of is that I can never stare into his eyes for more than 5 seconds. They're like little mirrors, and all I can see is my ugly, small self. What a creature I am, I sometimes think. How disgusting it must be to hold a man who is also a bird. 

I dance effortlessly, the steps to the waltz as easy to execute as walking. I keep my eye on Tae's shoulder, desperate not to make eye contact.

As the song slows to an end, Taehyung spins around, drops me slightly so I lean back, and then kisses me ever so softly.

When he pulls away, his midnight blue eyes bore holes into my own eyes. I catch sight of my reflection and  my face gets hot. I quickly turn away, and this time Tae notices.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" He enquires gently, supporting me by the back. I swallow and toy with the silver buttons on his shoulder.


My head drops with shame, and I feel small and weak.

"It's not you, it's me," I sigh, rubbing my forehead consciously. "I don't like seeing myself in your eyes."

Taehyung is confused. He pulls me closer to his chest, centimetres away from his lips brushing my nose.

"What's bad about seeing yourself in my eyes?" He asks, laughing slightly. He finds it funny, and I have no idea why. I feel offended. I feel belittled.

"Because I'm not as pretty as the others," I spit angrily. "I'm a black swan, while everyone else is white. I'm not beautiful, I get called as the odd one out, I-"

Before I can continue my list of downfalls, Taehyung kisses me. I fight back at first, but my body doesn't comply with my heart. So I keep kissing him instead, and let him be the first to pull away.

He stares right into my soul, and this this time I can't look away. Because he's holding my face tight, and making sure our eyes are parallel.

"Being different is our thing," He says, breathing lightly. "Don't you ever say you're ugly ever again."

I purse my lips, heart racing at his sweetness. What did I do to deserve such a perfect man?

I don't reply, but I snuggle up to Taehyung.

I don't tell him, but this is the last night I'll ever be able to be human.

I push the thought away, into the back of my mind, but it's still there. It's okay. It'll be okay.

I open my eyes and let my mind wander instead. I'll enjoy myself tonight. If this is the last time I dance, may the music never stop playing. If this is the last time I kiss, let our lips never part.

If this is the last time I hold Tae in my arms, then let our bodies become one.

Eventually, time passed. It's so cruel. Time is thoughtless. Time doesn't care about love.

Taehyung's hands leave my skin, and he walks away, although still facing me.

He smiles.

"See you again tomorrow."

I can feel tears at the edge of my eyes.

"For all eternity."

A/N: First of all... HOW PERFECT IS THIS TIMING?! BTS literally just put out the new song and guess what?! IT'S CALLED BLACK SWAN.


Thirdly, might do a q&a? Or it might be easier if one of you tag me with like one of those question sheet things 😂 I want to be as open as possible so feel free to ask me whatever you want to know :)

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