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my my my pt 2

Taehyung POV

Climbing out the window was the easy part. Just stepping down a few bricks and sliding down a few water drains. 

It was the guilty conscience part that was eating up at me. 

As I strolled down the neon streets of Myeong-dong with Jungkook leading me through the crowd. I constantly looked over my shoulder, to the very top of the road, where the sky was still dark. 

Maybe I should go back.

I should go back.

Oh shit, I was so fucked. 

"Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, bursting my thought bubble. "You okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine," I stuttered, looking forward. "Why, do I not look fine?"

"No, no, you're beautiful," He replied sheepishly. "I mean, no, that's not what I meant, it's just that you look nervous."

I smiled slightly. This boy was more innocent than I thought he was. I waved a hand at him, trying to appear confident.

"Don't underestimate me," I smirked. "Where are we going exactly?"

"We're right here," Jungkook replied, pointing at the nearest building, painted cotton candy pink, strung with neon fairy lights. Arcade games and claw machines lined up against the walls. The stuffed animals seemed to call me.

Just then, the overwhelming scent of caramel caught my attention. I inhaled, making my stomach grumble loudly.

"You wanna get some food first?" Jungkook laughed. I blushed and nodded.

The building provided endless choices of street food. Potato tornado sticks coated in cheese powder, sizzling hot rice cakes and sausages, Oreo churros... My mouth was drooling.

I ended up not being able to choose between flavours of hotcakes, so Jungkook bought me both. Plus a half metre tall cone of frozen yogurt, studded with fruit. I felt spoilt. I felt good.

Arms already full, I bounced towards the nearest game. It was a claw machine, filled with the cutest little red, heart shaped alien with a blue body, dotted with yellow. He looked so cute and perfect.

I blinked at Jungkook, who immediately took out his wallet and handed me a fistful of coins. I shook my head.

"You don't have to pay for me," I insisted. "I already owe you so much."

"Oh please," He said modestly. "I bought you after all. This is the one night I get with you, I should at least be able to spoil you."

Of course, I was hesitant. Finally, he grew tired of my shyness and placed the money in my hand. I nodded to him respectfully, and slotted in the coins. Bright lights and quirky music started playing, as I grabbed the joystick and manoeuvred the claw to the nearest little alien. I watched hopefully as the silver jaws widened, grasped around the toy and...

"OH MY GOD I WON I WON!" I exclaimed, scrabbling open the flap and grabbing my newly won toy. Jungkook grinned from ear to ear and examined the little alien.

"What are you gonna name it?" He asked, poking it's arm.

"Tae Tae."

"Ta Ta?"

"No, Tae Tae," I giggled, hitting his arm. "Huh, actually Ta Ta is pretty cute."


I glanced at the person who spoke. It was a woman, in her 40s or 50s. She had a glare on her face. She scoffed.

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