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Third Person POV

"T-Tae.." Jungkook stumbles blindly into the darkened hotel room, the older already clawing passionately at his shirt buttons. Tripping on articles of clothing, they finally reach the bed, at which Taehyung promptly pushes the younger male onto the bed, anchoring his legs on either side of him and pinning him down my the limbs.

"You have no idea how long I've waited all fucking day to do this," He growls, attacking Jungkook's neck with his lips and gentle nips with his teeth. "So you better be ready for me baby boy."

Jungkook paws at Tae's chest, throwing his head back and running his fingers through the wild, unruly hair before him. In the mirror hanging on the wall, he sees himself, shirt once pristinely pressed at his wedding, now ripped open, exposing smooth tan skin littered with love bites.

Taehyung pauses his kisses momentarily and hooks two fingers onto Gguk's chin, staring at him so innocently it was almost comical.

"I want a verbal answer princess, are you ready?"

Jungkook swallows, and pulls Tae even closer, their hearts beating in adrenaline filled harmony.

"I've waited my whole life for this," He breathes, voice a little shaky as his mouth brushes the shell of Tae's ear. "My husband."

Taehyung giggles.

"That sounds funny."

Jungkook flicks him on the forehead, impatience getting to him as his brows furrow in annoyance.

"Are you gonna fuck me or what?"

Tae chuckles, and pecks a kiss onto the smaller's forehead.

"Alright princess."

Those two words light a spark in Jungkook's chest, a hot, bubbling pool forming in his stomach.

This time is different. Countless times they've had sex before, but this time is not the same. Jungkook feels more connected to his spouse than he ever had.

Taehyung slips a hand down to remove his underwear, leaving them both naked. Raw, exposed, vulnerable to each other. It's a burst of emotions, shame, fear, excitement, happiness.

And that's okay.

Tae's eyes show him that it's okay.

Jungkook straddles himself on Tae's lap, wrapping his arms tight around the latter. Taehyung uncaps a small bottle of lotion and dips his fingers in, coating them in sweet smelling white.

He goes as slow as he can. Jungkook's body trembles against him, his muscular frame somewhat frail as Taehyung's fingers enter his ass. His eyes widen at the slight pain. It's been a while.

"Tell me if it hurts." Tae whispers, caressing Gguk's trembling back. Jungkook takes a deep breath and a leap of faith, nodding his head to usher Tae to move quicker.

Like magic, the pain melts away to pleasure, and quickly Taehyung has to strengthen his hold on Jungkook to keep him from falling back.

"Ah-ahh, Tae-" Jungkook whimpers, rocking his hips back and forth to achieve more friction. His action is sorely disapproved, as Taehyung quickly restricts him by the waist to stop him.

"Tonight is all about you." Taehyung insists firmly.

Jungkook composes himself, looking straight into his eyes.

"No, tonight is about us."

Lips collide, tongues swap, tears fill up eyes and the world goes fuzzy like an acid dream. Oxygen seems unessential, until they begin panting and gasping between mouthfuls of kisses.

Sweeter than honey, Jungkook thinks to himself, hands roaming the field of soft skin Taehyung bore. He's so lost in the feeling of hands all over him, he doesn't even notice Taehyung has slipped his length into him.

"So.. pretty.." He pants, rocking his hips upwards to meet Jungkook's gentle bouncing. "I... love you."

Jungkook can't respond, feeling tight all over, his muscles contracted, his insides only focused on closing in around Tae's girth. He tries to relax, only to find he can't as his body and mind lose control and submit to the rough yet loving touches that Taehyung gives him.

With all his experience, it doesn't take long for Tae to find his sensitive little bundle of nerves, his sweet spot. Jungkook lets out a cry of defeat as Taehyung slams into him faster and faster.

"P-please! Don't stop- god, Tae," He moans out, strings of curses and pleads tumbling out of his mouth like water. "I love you so much."

Taehyung groans, and tightens his grip on Gguk's arm, bruising the skin a deep red.

"I'm gonna come~"

Jungkook breath quickens, his chest heaving at an inhuman speed.

"M-me too," He mumbles, grabbing at Taehyung's reddened cheeks. "Kiss me."

It's more of a desperate pressing together of mouths than a kiss, as both boys find it hard to concentrate, the overwhelming pleasure of an orgasm washing over them like waves.

With a final few rolls, Taehyung releases into Jungkook's oversensitive insides, and the younger lets his load off of his rippled stomach, painting the bedsheets white.

Jungkook rolls off Tae's lap, exhausted and battered up. He examines his chest, now a beautiful gallery of  love bites in hues of red, pink, and purple.

"That was amazing," Tae sighs, still catching his breath. "You are amazing."

Jungkook throws himself into the crook of his lover's neck, regardless of how sweaty they both were. As his senses return to him, he realises the cold metallic sensation curled around one of his fingers.

The wedding ring.

"Oh shit I forgot," Jungkook says, half laughing. "We literally just got married."

"Legally, yes," Tae agrees. "But I've been married to you spiritually the moment we first met."

Jungkook flicks him on the forehead again.

"Ow!" Taehyung exclaims. "Aren't newlyweds supposed to be nice to each other?!"

Jungkook snuggles down onto his pillows, and wraps his arms around Tae once more.

"Mm, but we're the weird couple aren't we?"

Taehyung smiles.

"Forever and always, princess."

Just then, the clock chimes, announcing the arrival of midnight. Tae's eyes widen.

"Happy birthday!"

Jungkook blushes.

"You remembered."

Tae pouts, "Of course I remember. You'd kill me if I didn't."

Jungkook doesn't even have the energy to flick him on the forehead anymore. He sighs blissfully, and curls up against the soft, warm embrace of his husband.

"This is nice."


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