Secrets Released(part 2)

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Me: Come on Orlando. 

Orlando: You tell me first.

Me: Fine. Well, when i was young i had an awful childhood. I was abused my father. He would hit me and go out late at night, drinking. I was sorta a mistake that he made on night. In school i was always really quiet. I told one of my classmates, someone that i trusted, about what was going on in my house. she then went and told everyone. So before i knew it the whole school knew about my life. Then they would all judge me. They hated me. So, i decided that maybe being loud, and annoying, and weird, and everything else. Would make them like me. I mean, who doesn't like a comedian. Well, they still didnt like me. But i felt like it was a way to escape. *I brushed a tear from the side of my face*

Orlando: *stood from his seat and walked towards me* Pearl, I had no idea.

Me: *nods* I dont usually tell people this 

Orlando: *nods* I understand why you dont. 

Me: *tries to stop the tears, but failes*

Orlando: *brushes a tear from my cheek* 

Me: *looks into his brown eyes, and sees something that i have never seen before, love*

Orlando: The truth is, Pearl. I used to really hate you. You annoyed me to death. 

Me: *smirks* That was'nt my plan at first, but i started doing it on purpose because your reactions were pretty hilarious.

Oralndo: *stares*

Me: *giggles*

Orlando: As i was saying, you seriously did annoy me. But latelyi have started to actually look forward to see what pranks you would plan for the each day. 

Me: *laughs* 

Orlando: do you like plan them or something?

Me: *shakes head and laughs* No, I sorta play it as the moment comes along

Orlando: *chuckles* but, one thing i do know now. I love you.

Me: *inhales sharply* you do?

Orlando: *nods* yes, I do.

Me:  Well, dont i annoy you?

Orlando: *nods* yeah, you really do.

Me: *giggles* than why do you love me?

Orlando: Well, i cant help it.

Me: you are a great actor. I couldn't tell a bit.

Orlando: *laughs* Well, i do get a lot of practice

 Me: Yeah, you do.

Orlando: You are a terriic actress though.

Me: You really think so?

Orlando: Yes, another question. Did you actually know your lines?

Me: *nods* of course i did.

Orlando: I cant believe this

Me: I know, it is pretty rediculous.

Orlando: Could you do me a favor. 

Me: What's that?

Orlando: Could you just be you for a day.

Me: * a little scared* I don't know, Orlando. I havent really been "me" for a long time

Orlando: ARe'nt you, you now?

Me: *nods* well, yes. 

Oralndo: *smiels* I like it.

Me: I thought you liked my humor.

Orlando: I do, but it does get annoying. 

Me: Mission completed then!

Orlando: *sighs* well for a day could you please not annoy pple on purpose?

Me: Yeah, i can try that. *smirks* just 24 hours?

Orlando: *rolls eyes* just 24 hours.

Me: I'll do it. Do i get some sort of reward for doing it?

Orlando: *sighs* wow, is it seriously that hard?

Me: no, but i like rewards.

Orlando: *stares blankly at me*

Me: *smiels cheesely*

Orlando: no, not that smile!

Me: Haha! 

Orlando: *kisses me*

Me: O.O

If I Ever Acted With Orlando BloomWhere stories live. Discover now