Chapter 1

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This book is in both lead characters perspectives.


"Next time if you want to do business with me properly, answer the goddamn phone! I don't wait for anyone." I slammed the phone down viciously, the glass table beneath it displayed a small crack. Why did this have to happen to me? Two weeks before the big opening someone just had to piss me off. I pressed the call button on my work phone and told my assistant to cancel my meeting for the rest of the night. I could hear her flinch at my voice. Poor girl, the only reason she still works for me is because she needs the money. All of my other assistants couldn't even last a week before they would leave their letter on resignation on my desk. Either because they couldn't handle me or they ended up falling in love with me. I lifted my sleeve up and glanced at my white-gold Rolex to see that it was only 7 pm.

 My usual working hours are 8 am to 10 pm. Some people could say I'm a workaholic but I'm not, I just enjoy what I do. I picked my phone up and started pacing around my office while the phone was ringing. I immediately spoke once the call was answered. 

 "Chris, I don't care if you're working or not meet me at the bar at Mayfair in 1 hour sharp. Don't be late you know I don't like waiting." I hear laughter through the phone, I wasn't trying to be funny. What's wrong with him? 

 "My man!" He responds,

 "No, why hello Chris how has your day been? Would you like to grab a drink with me later? Oh cheers mate, bye." He starts laughing again, I still don't understand. Before I begin to speak again he starts talking.

 "Xander it's 7 pm and you're making plans to drink at a classy bar in Mayfair?" I know he wasn't asking a question but the way he spoke was like he was questioning and confirming if I said exactly that. 

 "Yes Chris, what's wrong with drinking in Mayfair?" I ask.

 "Maybe the fact that we never drink in Mayfair unless business has gone well. By the sound of your voice my friend it doesn't seem like we're celebrating business. If you want to sleep with someone why can't we go to Platinum Lace like usual? I heard they got new girls that I'm sure would love a billionaire."

 I shake my head at his last comment, how did us talking about getting drinks turn into having sex. We are two completely different examples of a 27 year old. "I just need to detox, not have sex. Meet me at the bar." Before he could speak again I ended the call. Not because I was being rude but because Chris talks way too much. I picked up my jacket and briefcase and made my way out of the building while giving my assistant a sincere head nod while she says, 

"Have a nice evening Mr Reed." A nice evening I shall have.


Sometimes I wonder if my life would be different if I didn't sell my business. Money would never be an issue. Living in London is a pain in the arse to say the least. I always had the option of moving in with my best friend, Melanie, but she had a new guy over every night. I can't live in an apartment knowing that something is undoubtedly going down in the room next door. 

 "Open up kid!" I was taken out of my daze after hearing someone shouting along with their continuous banging on my door. What is wrong with people? Ever heard of respect? The banging continued until I finally decided to get up and answer the door.

 "What. Do. You. Want. From. Me?" I Spoke slowly after seeing Melanie at my door dressed in a red dress that was completely stuck to her body, showing her cleavage and stopping at the top of her thighs. Before she could answer my completely rhetorical question I walked back onto my sofa already knowing what she's going to try to do. "Nice to see you too April." She stopped for a good 10 seconds before continuing. 

 "Soooooo... I got promoted!" She practically shrieked while she spoke. I immediately sat up, totally not expecting that news at all. "Congrats Mel! But why are you dressed like...That?"

 She immediately pulled her dress down after I said that. Don't worry, I'm not being rude we just literally are polar opposites. I keep her grounded as much as possible as she well just forces me to go out with her to be honest but I still love her.

 "I'm not dressed like a stripper. I'm dressed very elegantly because me and you are going out for celebratory drinks in Mayfair." 

 "You mean you're going out for celebratory drinks in Mayfair." I get up from the sofa and head to my room. I live in a small but nice apartment however because its so small she grabs for my arm before I could even properly walk away. She turns me to face her and puts her pout face on I hate her sometimes.

"April come on. I know you don't like alcohol and you hate clubs that's why this place is classy and won't have weird people around. Please, for me. I heard they have killer mock tails that you could try." I start laughing at her last comment. I have to agree even if they didn't have 'killer mock tails'. My best friend got promoted so I guess my Friday night is going to be occupied with one drunken Melanie.

 "Fine." I say trying to hide my smile. "Only if you change because this my friend is not cute." She rolls her eyes but eventually nods in agreement, we both head to my room to get ready for celebratory drinks in Mayfair.

An hour passes and we're finally done. I was actually ready 20 minutes ago but I guess I can't point fingers. Melanie took a step back while I observed her new attire. She was wearing a navy blue strapless dress that stopped a bit lower than her knees but still showed her killer legs. Her jet black hair was tied in a loose bun. The colour of her hair always complimented her pale skin and her makeup looked amazing with her icy blue eyes popping. Melanie was definitely was a girl that made other girls feel insecure. Not on purpose, just because she was a literal model. I gave her a head nod telling her I approve of her outfit, I would never wear it but at least she wasn't showing as much skin as before. 

 "You look amazing April." She said after giving me a good observational look up and down. I was wearing a black play suit with my only pair of black Louboutin's that I got back in the glory days. My naturally wavy brunette hair was out like always. The only makeup I was wearing was mascara and a bit of lip gloss, not because I think I'm too gorgeous for makeup but because I really could not be bothered. "Thank you Mel, now lets get to your celebratory drinks before I get tired" She laughed and followed me out of my apartment as we made out way to the tube.

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