Chapter 10

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I get outside and notice that the Tesla is no where to be seen and neither is Michael. I hear Alex catching up to me and he looks at me with confusion. He seems to do that a lot.

"What is it?"             

"I don't know if you noticed or not but your car is kinda gone. So is your hit man." I don't really think Michael is a hit man but i think a body guard or whatever is a bit over the top.  

"I told Michael to take the rest of the day off. Someone took my car because me and you are walking to lunch." He smiled contently after telling me that i have to exercise before i eat. I can't help but laugh at this silly man. 

"You can walk as much as your heart desires but i think i'd rather get an uber. Buh-bye." I turn to walk in the opposite direction but Alex grabs my arm and playfully puts both hands on my shoulders while marching down the street.                                         

  "I don't like you" I murmur, not sure if he heard me.              

  "Yeah you do my sweet little Apricot." He says with a smile. I'm not looking at him, but i can basically hear his damn, stupid smile. 

After a couple minutes of walking he releases my shoulders and walks beside me. He keeps telling me we're nearly here but i know that's a load of bull. I get my phone out and start checking my emails while we walk when i come across one from my boss.

Dear April James,

Good Afternoon April. I heard that you have met your new assistant, Rylan Thomas. I apologise for not informing you about this prior to his arrival. Mr Thomas has worked for a company similar to A&L Gallery House so i do not doubt that you two will make a great team.

I'd like to remind you that you are arranging everything for the Gala at the end of the month. I reached out to Steph too get some in tell on what you are planning but she tells me you two have not even discussed it.  The Gala is in 3 weeks April. I put you on this task because you said you wanted something different. Prove to me that you can do something different. I'd like to arrange a meeting with you on Monday morning at 9 am. I look forward to seeing you, have a nice day and don't let me down.

Colin Smithson

Crap! I forgot about that stupid Gala thing. I put my phone back in my pocket and start playing with my fingers. When I asked for something different I didn't mean I wanted to plan a stupid Gala. It's just for rich people to show off how much money they have buy competing with a stranger to see who's going to splurge the most.      

 "You look like you're in deep thought." Alex says. 

 "It's just work. My boss sent me an email reminding me about something i have to do."      

 "What do you have to do?"           

"Plan some stupid gala so rich people can come and bid on the art."   

  He starts laughing and responds, "You say that like it's a bad thing. Aren't you happy people want to buy your clients work?"   

 "Of course i'm happy for the clients. It's just. They aren't buying the art because they want it. They buy it because they want to be in a bidding war with someone so they can flaunt their money. One time a guy bid over £10,000 on one painting and i saw him throw it in the skip. After that, I've missed all of the galas."

 I look up at him and he looks at me with sympathy in his eyes.  

"Come on, we're here." He says, breaking the eye contact and pointing towards the futuristic restaurant in front of us. Instead of asking questions i follow his lead inside and sit at our table.  

"This is different." I say while admiring my surroundings.    

"My friend owns the place. He wanted in to be different."   

"You had me thinking you have no friends." I tease   

"I have no female friends Miss James." He says while bringing a glass of water to his mouth.        

    "Is that because you sleep with every female you try to be friends with?" He starts choking on his water and i can't help but laugh.  

 "I'm just joking Mr Reed. Even if that's true at least now you have a female friend." I say, smiling.

   "So you admit that we're friends."           

"Well, i don't not like you. But i need to know more about Alexander Reed before i put a label on our relationship." I say matter-of-factly.  

"You make this sound very serious April." He says and leans back on his chair. 

 "Friendships are serious. They are built on trust Alexander. Do you not agree?"

"I do agree April." 

I lean forward towards him and say,

 "So are we ever going to trust each other."     

  "Of course we will." He says while also leaning forward showcasing his smile and pearly whites. 

   "So confident Mr Reed."          

  "Of course Miss James. I've read enough books. Watched enough movies to know that the unexpected always becomes the inevitable. In this case myself and you."  

 I lean back and take a swig of water then finally respond,      

"We'll see if that's true or not." 

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