Chapter 23

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It's 7 pm. It's been hours since we got home and she still isn't talking to me. I went out at one point to get ice cream but when I came back the door was still closed. I stare at the door for a couple of minutes. I've given her enough time to be alone. I should go and try to talk to her now. right?

I get up and stalk to the bedroom but she isn't in there. I knock on the bathroom door and check but she isn't there either. I see her phone on the bed so that means she's still home. I walk back to the living room and sit on the sofa. Where is she? Then I remember where she was when her and Melanie 'broke up' I walk towards the bathroom near the kitchen and there she is, sitting in the tub. Crying.

She doesn't look up at me, I don't expect her too. I step into the bath and take a sit opposite her just like last time.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. I don't expect her to answer but to my surprise she does.

"I had a sandwich when you left." She chokes.

"April." I begin, 

"You need to talk about this. Whatever it is that triggers you to act unlike yourself." She doesn't look at me, she sinks lower into the empty tub.

I stand up and take my shirt off which catches her attention. She cocks her head to one side and watches me throw my shirt on the floor and sit back down. She looks back down once I'm seated. I don't expect her to be mesmerised, I've changed in front of her almost everyday.              

"I thought I loved someone." I begin, April's head slightly goes up, indicating that she's listening. "Her name was Gwendolyn but I called her Gwen and she called me Alex. We didn't let anyone else shorten our names but us. I met her when I was 19 years old and had just started Reed Enterprise. She had me wrapped around her finger from day 1. I wanted to give her everything and anything. I spoilt her on her birthdays and even normal days. We started dating after 3 months, we told each other that we loved each other on the day we became official. 4-5 years passed and Reed Enterprise was doing amazing. I was listed as a 'sexy billionaire' in some stupid magazine and suddenly the world wanted to know my business. I didn't like it. I didn't mind publicity if it was promoting my work but people wanted to know about my personal life. Gwen...dolyn loved it." I sigh and resume,

 "She would try to kiss me and touch me all the time in public because she loved that people were always watching. Some company recognised her and she got signed to be a model. She's not famous or anything but she loved the attention. My mum and dad hated her. They saw her as a gold digger but they respected our relationship because I said I loved her. But then I spoke to Easton about her. About all the things that pissed me off about her. All the things I didn't love. He told me that if I really loved her then I'd love all of her, including her flaws and would do anything for her. But that was the opposite of me with Gwendolyn. After that conversation I knew I had to break up with her. I didn't love her I just liked the idea of loving her. But I respected her enough to not want to embarrass her with the break up." I stop talking and look at April. She's still looking down. Even if she's not listening, I need to get this out of my system once and for all.

"The day I was going to have the talk with Gwendolyn was the same day she did and interview with some magazine telling them that I'd be proposing to her soon. That was the first thing I confronted her about but she told me that I'd propose to her one day so why not sooner than later. The idea of marrying her, someone I didn't love pissed me off. So I told her straight on that I didn't want to be with her. She didn't take it well. She slapped me across the face twice. She tried a third time but I grabbed her hand to stop her. She was pissing me off but I'd never hurt her. But something snapped inside of her that day. She destroyed everything in the room we were in. She threw vases at me and other things that I just dodged. Then she hit me across the head hard with something metal and I fell to the floor." I stop and grab Aprils hand, She looks at me and her eyes are puffy. Is she crying? I put Aprils hand on the scar on my chest and resume.

"She stabbed me with her stupid stiletto's. It went in so deep that it drew blood. She came to my face and told me that I'd have to live with the guilt that I'm the one who made her crazy and she left me there. A week later she told the press that I cheated on her that's why she broke up with me. From that day I guess I didn't care about any sort of relationship at all with a woman. Not even friendship. The women that voluntarily slept with me were women like Gwendolyn. They just wanted me because of who I was. Then I met you." April's eyes meet mine. "We met when I was drunk but I knew everything I was saying. I lied to you about my name so to be honest I couldn't really judge your character. But the morning after when you found out I lied and I told you who I was you weren't impressed. You just acted like I was a normal person. Hell, you were kicking me out of your apartment!" I chuckle. 

"I knew you were different, I just didn't know what to do. You were obviously the most beautiful woman but you were also so different that I had to decide if I wanted to pursue you or not. But then I realised that if I were to have sex with you I'd want to keep pursuing you and I'm in no place for a relationship. So I took my own 'risk' I guess and pursued a different relationship, a friendship. April. We haven't known each other for as long as you've known Cassidy or as long as I've known Chris but I love you. I consider you my best friend. I know a friendship 'I love you' is different to the actual 'I love you' but for me I find it crazy that I can even say it in a friendship way." I lean back against the tub and breathe out. Almost like a sigh of relief.

"You shouldn't let her words eat at you." April says, I'm looking up but I can feel her eyes on me. "Gwendolyn was-is an attention seeker. She craved the fame of being recognised, she saw you as an opportunity and took it. You didn't make her crazy and to be honest she isn't crazy. She's just deluded." She pauses and says my name. I don't look at her so she climbs onto my lap taking me by surprise and hold my head in her hands.

"I love you too. I don't think I've ever become so fond of someone this much of a short time. Not Cassidy, not Melanie just you. Alexander Julian Reed you are my best friend and you are a great man. I'm honestly happy you guys didn't work out. Otherwise you wouldn't have met me." April smiles at me and runs her fingers along my chest tracing the scar.

"You're still beautiful with this."

"I think you mean handsome Apricot." I joke.

"No, I mean beautiful." She says and smiles.

I open my arms for April and she lays her head on my chest.

"I love you." She whispers, I feel her smile against my chest. I kiss her on the forehead.

"I love you too."

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