Chapter 34

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"Alex wake up."

 I groan and slowly open my eyes to see April standing above me dressed in a black pantsuit.                            

"It's 7 am you have work." She says.                    

"Not going." I grumble and roll over. She sighs and leaves the bedroom. I can hear her yelling at everyone to wake up for work. They all yell no which makes me laugh. I get up and put my glasses on to then get into the actual bed and off the floor. I grab my phone from the bedside table and see that my dad texted me with the details of the engagement party that me and April have to go to today.

"Xandy." Chris moans as he walks into the bedroom and gets into the bed. He lays down beside me and says, "April is pissing me off."     

 "Never call me Xandy again." I shrug and put my phone down.             

"Do you guys sleep in the same bed?" Chris asks. 

"No." I reply bluntly.            

 "Why not? It's not like it's weird. Friends can sleep in the same bed."   

 "I don't actually know why. I got in bed with her last night but she freaked out."  

"Lost your charm have you Reed?" He says while wiggling his eyebrows. I flip him off and turn the other way to go back to sleep.

The bedroom door opens and Chris immediately tells April to go away which makes me want to turn around and watch their interaction.      

  "Calm down Christian. Cass and East don't want to go to work either so they're sleeping on the sofa. I see you two are cosy." She says while gesturing to me and Chris in bed together. She climbs onto the bed and says,

 "I'll see you guys later. Goodbye my boys." She kisses us both on the cheek and walks towards the door.                                                                                                                    

  "April..." Chris says. She sticks her head back into the room and says,        


 "Can I have a kiss on my lips?" She rolls her eyes and shuts the door. 

"Could you be more slutty?" I ask rhetorically.      

 "You can never be too slutty." He smiles proudly which makes me turn back around and go back     to sleep.

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