Chapter 26

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It's 7:15 by the time I get to the Gala. I was originally going to come at 7:30 but I wanted to hear April's speech. I've been here for 5 minutes and I still haven't spotted her. I don't even know what she's wearing. 

"Xander?" I hear a voice, I turn around and see Cassidy. She gives me a small hug which I return.  

"Have you seen April?" I ask.                        

 "I was going to ask you the same thing." She laughs. All of a sudden some men come up to me and Cassidy and ask for us to pose for a picture. I look at Cassidy, she looks panicked.   

 "It's just press. Smile." I whisper in her ear and put my arm around her waist. The men thank me and walk over to other people.         

"Won't people think something wrong about us in a picture together?" She speaks quickly. I put my hand on her shoulder and say,               

"It's fine Cass. The press think I'm dating April if your worried about a scandal like that." She breathes out and slowly says okay.

"Can I get everyone's attention please." I hear April'd voice. I immediately take my attention off Cassidy and towards the stage where she stands looking...Beautiful. She definitely stands out. Every woman here is wearing a tight cocktail dress. But April, looks like a real life princess.          

"Thank you all for coming." She begins, talking into a microphone. "Some of you might not recognise me. I don't usually make appearances at these events but today I had the privilege to plan and host the biggest Gala yet. My name is April James and I'm the COO of A&L Gallery House." Me and Cassidy 'whoop' after she says that which makes every look at us and makes April laugh.         

"I'd like to congratulate and say how proud I am of every single artist that has had the opportunity to sell their work tonight. I've had the privilege to get to know all of you, even those who weren't my clients. I've worked here for 4 long years, from the day this place opened up. I'd like to thank Colin Smithson for having faith in me by letting me work here for as long as I have. This is the last time I'll be known as the COO of A&L Gallery House. So let's all have fun and buy some art. Thank you everyone for coming, enjoy your night." She smiles and walks off stage. Is she resigning? 

"You look very handsome Mr Reed." I hear April's voice behind me.  

"You are the most beautiful woman here. You look like an actual princess."      

 "I second that!" Cassidy says from beside me. "You look amazing Jamesey, definitely the most eye catching person here."

 She says while hugging April. They start complimenting each other back and forth so I leave them to it and go get a drink. 

I look at the bar and see the ridiculous amount of people crowded around so I just go into the kitchen.                

 "Hey you can't be in here!" One of the chef's scream at me.          

"Brother what are you doing here?" Easton says, appearing out of no where.

"Thirsty." I reply. He nods and ushers for me to follow him. We go into a room and he makes 2 drinks for the both of us.   

"Why are you in the kitchen?" I ask.                  

 "Just making sure everything's running smoothly."                  

"I'm pretty sure Cassidy's looking for you. She asked where you were during April's speech." Easton's eyes immediately light up.      

  "I should probably go out there then." He says and downs the rest of his drink.  

 "You like Cass?" I ask.                   

"What? No! Why would you think that?"       

 "East calm down. You're 24 I'm not telling you off. Just be careful, she's April's friend."           

"Wow." He says and pauses, "April's actually made you less of a dick. You better keep her." He smiles and taps my shoulder.       

 "I plan on it." I reply and we both make our way back to civilisation. 

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