Chapter 49

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The venue is smaller but still extravagant. I notice all the women in white and the men in black tux's. That's probably why Chris chose this dress, or maybe it's just a coincidence. I walk around and pretend to mingle. I should've thought about how I know absolutely no one here. I spot Alex and Easton's parents. Before they can see me I walk in another direction. As much as I love them, I can't be around them right now especially with their questions. I keep my head down and keep walking when I bump into someones hard chest.

"I'm sorry." I say and slowly look up. The man was tall, around 6 ft probably. His jet black hair, curly at the ends and slightly long. His dark brown eyes complimenting his olive skin and perfect lips. I look around his face and notice he has a nose ring and two piercings in his eyebrows. His ears also have black studs coming out of them. I look down slightly and notice that he has tattoos peeking out from where his shirt and blazer end. He also has some peeking out from his collar/chest where his shirt is unbuttoned. I look at his face once more and smile at the familiarity of it.

"You should watch where you're going sweetie." He laughs lightly and steadies me. This time he looks at me for a couple seconds and studies my face. 

"Princess?" He asks. I don't respond in words, I just smile. "April?" 

"Crawford Price." I say and his eyes light up.   

"It's been 7 long years princess."      

 "Way too long." I respond and he picks me up and hugs me tight. I hold him even tighter and put my head on his chest. He puts me down but keeps his hands around my waist.

"I love this look." I say and he does a small bow.             

"I told you I'd rebel." He clicks his tongue and smirks.   

"The rebellious look suits you." I laugh.          

"And you. You look as amazing as I remember." He takes my hand and twirls me in a way that makes me blush.           

 "Still the charmer I remember." I say doing a small curtsy which makes him laugh.        

Me and Crawford met when I was 15. He was the younger brother of my brothers best friend. Crawford didn't go to the same school as me, that's why we never knew each other before. My parents went on a business trip which was very rare so Conor took advantage of it. He threw a party at our house and Crawford had to come because his older brother was supposed to be 'babysitting' him.  Me and Crawford hung out for the night, we found out we had a lot in common and honestly just became amazing friends. Not many people knew about our friendship, I didn't want Landon to think I was cheating on him. Crawford wasn't my age, he's a year older and when I was in school it was weird for an older guy to be friends with someone younger. Which I think is ridiculous. The only person that knew how close me and Crawford were was Conor and Cass. She had never met him because she had left for South Africa by then but I'd still fill her in. After me and Landon got engaged and I was living alone, me and Crawford just kind of lost contact. Plus he had his own problems, his brother died in a car wreck the same week.

"Hey." He says, snapping me out of my daze. "Landon is marrying someone that isn't you but you're still here at his engagement party." I laugh noticing how not normal this is.       

"Yeah. Some things happened. I'm just here on a..."  

 "Mission?" He finishes for me.         

"Yeah kinda." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Why are you on a mission princess?"  

"It's a long story." I sigh.        

"I'm ready for 7 years of catch up." He says and I smile.

I give him the long story short about everything that's been going on with me in the past 7 years that we haven't spoken. The only thing I leave out is Steven, that's not something I'm ready to just tell anyone. Alex and Conor know and they will be the only two to ever know the full story.

"First of all, wow you're life is like a movie. I can't believe Melanie would switch like that, from what you told me you guys were amazing friends. Landon made the dumbest decision of his life and your room mate needs a good punch in the face. I volunteer as tribute." He puts two fingers in the air and I laugh.   

"Crazy life." I add. "Why did we stop talking Crawford?" I change the subject.

He sighs deeply, "Life just came and punched us both in the face princess."         

"I missed you. You were my big brother." I smile sadly at the thought of how he was the only person, other than Conor, that I considered family.      

"You'll always be my little sister April. I'm pretty sure us bumping into each other is a sign that the universe is telling us we're inevitable." 

I smile at him, after all these years Crawford Price still gave me a comfortable feeling that I've never felt with anyone else. I keep repeating the word 'inevitable' in my head. Alex always told me we were inevitable. I think the universe disagrees.

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