Chapter 7

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I tell Rylan to take a seat while I get changed and wait for the car. I walked into my room, shut the door and jumped onto the bed. Alex is going to live with me. FOR 2 WEEKS! I hear a knock on the door and yell for the person to come in. It's Alex. 

 "I thought I'd come and change as well. I'm sure I have to make a good first impression on your best friend."

 I watch him open my closet and miraculously I see his clothes hanging beside mine. When did he do this? I got up and walked to my closet as well and picked out a pair of black trousers and a white shirt and made my way to the bathroom. Why am I acting like this is normal? THIS IS NOT NORMAL! His clothes are in your closet woman. My conscience is as confused as I am. I get changed and look at my outfit in the mirror. I know, black trousers and a white shirt make it seem like I'm about to go to a business meeting. But I know Melanie. When she sees Rylan and Alex she'll probably want to go out for drinks with all of us even though it's like 3 pm.

 I like to look presentable and professional during the day. You never know if you have to go to surprise meeting or if I even meet a new client. I'm a workaholic I know, don't judge me. I brush my hair and let my natural waves do their thing. I come out of the bathroom and look up at Alex. "Well. Would you look at that."

 He put both of his arms back on the window ledge and stared at me. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a deep chuckle. He walked to go sit on the bed so he could put his shoes on. I walked back to my closet and pulled out a pair of plain Chelsea boots from the bottom and slipped them on. Holy Crap! I looked at him properly and that's when I realised. 

 "WE LOOK THE SAME!" I practically shouted. I sat on the floor and he stood up, giving myself a better look at him. He was wearing his Louboutin Oxfords that he wore when I found him drunk. His black trousers and white shirt were kept in place together by a Hugo Boss belt. His sleeves were rolled up half way and his top two buttons were undone. 

 "I guess great minds think alike Apricot." He winked at me and laid back onto my bed.


April didn't respond. She went back into her wardrobe and tried to look for something. I stayed staring at her. She looked beautiful. Her hair was wavy just as it was this morning. She was wearing a different white shirt, not the same one she was wearing this morning. Well it is the same shirt she just has loads of them, like me. The sleeves of her shirt naturally stopped halfway and she had the top two buttons undone but not exposing anything. Her black trousers were frilly at the top and dressed up her outfit. She was wearing a skirt to work this morning but these trousers just complimented her more. She wore leather Chelsea boots on her feet and then I noticed on her wrist she was still wearing my watch. If I compliment her with the watch she'll give it back. I thought, so I didn't mention it.

Her head finally came out of her closet and she was holding another set of clothes. Then I realised what she was doing. 

 "Why are you changing?" I ask. 

 "We look the same Alex. People are going to think we are some weird couple." 

 "It's not our fault we have the same taste. But I have a question if you don't mind." She nods allowing me to ask my question.

 "Why are you dressed so formally?" She walked over to the bed and sat next to me then spoke.

 "Don't laugh. But I'm a workaholic. I like dressing formally during the day just in case clients want to meet with me. Or I have to go to an emergency board meeting. Or even meeting new clients. I love my job a little too much I guess." 

I listen to her intently and immediately become curious. 

 "What do you work as?" I ask, genuinely interested.

 "I'm the COO of A&L Gallery House. I've worked there for 4 years, ever since it opened."

 She looks down while she speaks almost as she's not proud. "That's very impressive. You're a COO damn."

 "Whatever Mr Man aren't you the CEO of RCO. That's something to be proud of." I become shocked that she knows my company. She didn't know who I was until this morning. Let's see how much you know Miss James. 

"Yeah." I respond. "But it's tough being the boss of a brothel." I look at her and smirk when I'm finished talking. She looks at me, horrified. 

 "Get out of my house." She says calmly and stands up. I cant help but fall back onto the bed and laugh.

 "I knew it my dear Apricot. You knew the name of my company but you don't know what I do." Her cheeks went crimson immediately as she looked at me with embarrassment on her face. "What does RCO stand for?" She asked while twiddling with my watch on her wrist. 

 "Reed Charity Organisation. It opens in two weeks, everything will go in motion. My actually company that owns RCO is Reed Enterprise. That's what most of the world knows me for. But once RCO officially opens, I'll focus on that."

 "I didn't know you were passionate about charities Alexander."

 "There's a lot of things you don't know about me Miss James." My phone starts ringing and I pick it up. "Reed." I say after answering the call. April gets up and leaves the room, as she walks away I stare at her one more time. She really is beautiful.

I go into the living room and hear laughter, coming from the boy April brought.

 "Why are you guys dressed the same? Are you trying to make a statement?" He carried on laughing while talking. April just rolled her eyes. He wouldn't stop. What's his damn name? 

 "If you don't want to travel alone I suggest you shut up Ryan." I say 

 "Rylan not Ryan." He corrected.                                         

"Okay boys lets go." April says as she brushes past both of us.

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