Chapter 6

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The rest of the ride was silent, Rylan was on his phone and I was just staring at the watch on my wrist. It's so manly and big, it suits him. Definitely doesn't suit me but I don't want to take it off. I open the door when the taxi stops outside of my apartment building. 

 "Holy crap! Who's car is that?" Rylan started walking towards a jet black McLaren. There are never McLarens outside of my building. Then it hit me. 

"Alexander Reed." I mumble to myself. I walk towards Rylan and tell him to wait outside and that I'll come outside when I'm changed, he nodded in agreement. I run up the stairs, with heels on! Until I get to my door. I unlock it and look inside. It's clean? Why is it so clean? Don't get me wrong, I'm no slob but damn everything is sparkly. I walk around the apartment and everything is neat and tidy, even my cutlery. I go to stand at the island in the kitchen and lean against it. 

I just want to sleep. 

"Tired?" I hear his deep husky voice. I know it's him but I have no energy to bring my body up from the island.

 "I thought I'd clean up for you. I had nothing to do and you helped me last night so it was the least I could do." 

 "You did this?" I ask surprised. My voice sounded like a mumble against the island. I picked my body up and turned around to look at him.

 "Woah." I say in a whisper. He wore a white t-shirt and grey jogging bottoms with his hair looking like he just woke up. Holy hell.

"I took a nap in your bed I hope you don't mind Apricot." That explains the sexy hair. I put my bag down and walk past him so I can crash onto the sofa. 

 "Why are you here Alex?"

 "I'm here because I quite like this apartment and I think me and you can grow our friendship." I lift my head up and look at him with a raised eyebrow. He's sitting on top of the island biting into an apple.

 "We are not friends." I say before slamming my head back into the pillows. 

 "Well this is an opportunity to become friends Apricot." I head him step down from the island, making his way to the sofa. I sit up and look at him. 

 "Are you trying to sleep with me? Cause if you are I want to make it clear that I believe in no sex before marriage." He looked at me surprised at what I just said.

 "You're a virgin?" He asked 

 "And proud." I add. 

 "I'm surprised no one has married you yet. You're 24 and still saving yourself. I respect that." 

 He frowns as do I. I'm pretty sure we are frowning for different reasons.

 "I'm not trying to sleep with you April. I want to be your friend. You seem different and I like it. Even if you say you don't want to be my friend you're stuck with me for the next two weeks." 

He smirks. "WHAT?" I shout and stand up immediately. He stays seated and smiles at me.

 "Yeah I took 2 weeks off work. Cancelled all of my meeting until my grand opening. Just for you." I sit back down and sigh.

 "You are insane." 

He gets up and sits next to me. We sit in silence and my head naturally falls on his shoulder. He doesn't react, he let it stay there. I'm so tired. 

"I know you told me to wait outside but it's so cold and you're taking forever." Alex and I lift our heads up to see who's talking and I remember. I left Rylan outside.

 I immediately get up trying to reach Rylan before he see's Alex. "Rylan?" I ask. I know it's him but I still need to be safe.

 "Why are you taking so long." He starts walking into the living room, before I can stop him Alex stands up and Rylan stops.

 "I'm sorry I forgot I'm just really tired Rylan." I speak to Rylan but feel Alex's gaze burning into my back.

I take a step back and decide to break the silence. "Alex this is Rylan, Melanie's brother. My best friends brother. Umm Rylan this is-" Before I could introduce Alex to Rylan he came to stand beside me and introduced himself. 

 "Xander." His voice sounded different when he said his name, more tense. He was playing with his fingers and his arms were so tense I could see his veins. Maybe he is in desperate need for a friend. He got so tense out of nowhere. I put my hand on his arm, I feel him look down at me and slowly becomes soft. I link arm into his fully and look at Rylan who's about to speak.

 "April said your name's Alex." Alex responds immediately to Rylan. "My name is Xander." I wonder why he doesn't let people call him Alex? Why does he let me? I look at Rylan again who looks completely confused. 

 "Alex-Xander is my temporary roommate, just friends." I unlink my arm with Alex and see him smiling at me. 

 "Rylan." I say. "I'm really exhausted and really don't want to go on the tube right now. Can we go tomorrow?" Before he can respond, Alex speaks. 

 "I can take you guys where you want to go. I'll get Michael to bring the Tesla so we can all fit in the car." I smile at Alex and nod.

 "Who's Michael and why is he bringing a Tesla?" Rylan asked looking at Alex. Alex sat on the arm of the sofa and spoke. "The McLaren is a 2 seater so unless someone wants to sit in the boot my driver is going to have to bring the Tesla. It's my only car with more than two seats." Rylan's mouth dropped open after Alex was done talking. I decided to chime into this conversation.

 "How many cars do you have Alex?"


Rylan immediately speaks after Alex. "You have 6 cars and the only one that isn't a 2 seater is a Tesla! Damn you must be a billionaire." Alex chuckles and runs his fingers through his messy hair. "Yeah, something like that."                                                                                                                                      

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