Chapter 12

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"Easton!" I shout while lightly jogging to him. He turns around and looks confused but smiles at the same time. If it wasn't for the eyes and hair i would've never assumed these two were related. Easton gives off friendly/kind vibes. Whereas Alex has a more tough exterior.

"What's up?" He asks. Even his voice sounds more optimistic.                        

"Okay so i know you don't know me and this is like breaking the rules of confidentiality but that woman who your about to have a meeting with. Is she having an event in three weeks or something like that?"       

  "Umm yeah something like that i think. We didn't really get the opportunity to talk yet." He says while looking at Alex and then back to me.     

"Okay." I begin, "I know this is a lot to ask but my-the company i work for is having a gala in three weeks. Your food is amazing. Would you consider providing food for A&L Gallery House? Please." I ask. He looks at me and turns around to look at his restaurant.   

"Don't feel like you have to say yes but if you do that'd be great. I've never planned a gala before honestly my boss is on my arse about it. I told him to give me something different and this is what he decides to do. It's honestly a joke. I am no party planner."     

"April stop rambling." He says while laughing. He takes my phone from my hand and starts tapping. 

"This is my personal number. Call me and we can see if arrangements can be made. I'll just have to tell the lady inside that we are already catering for someone else." He smiles and gives my phone back. 

 "Thank you so much." I say with a cheesy grin on my face. Easton smiles back at me.   

  "Xander." He says to Alex. "I like this one, she's a keeper." He walks back into his restaurant leaving me and Alex alone.

"Listen..." We both say at the same time. He gestures for me to start.  

"Let's just go home." I say. He nods and gets his phone out to call Michael.   

"He'll be around 10 minutes." Alex says. I acknowledge him by nodding.  

"Easton is nice." I say.          

 "Yeah he is. He's always been the one that everyone loved."   

"I'm sure people loved you too Alex."                   

 "Sure." He says and looks away from me and at the road.

After a couple minutes of silence he turns to face me then begins to speak.       

"Why do you do that?" He asks. 

"Do what?"             

"You switch between calling me Alex and Xander."  

"I didn't realise i did that." I admit. "I'll just call you Xander, sorry."    

"I don't have a problem with it April. It's okay." He smiles.

All of a sudden we hear a honk from the road and it's Michael in his SUV. Alex gestures me to follow him so i do. We both sit in the back and he tells Michael to drive to my place. We start driving and i just feel exhausted and guilty. Alex gets an iPad out of no where and starts tapping, probably doing work. I put my head against the window and close my eyes. Except i don't feel comfortable at all so i just say, 

"I'm sorry Alex." He looks up at me and puts the Ipad down waiting for me to explain.         

 "You didn't deserve to be shouted at back there. It just reminded me about something in the past and i guess that triggered me. I didn't mean what i said, besides the fact that you're rich." He lets out a subtle laugh and responds, 

"You don't need to apologise. When i looked in your eyes back there i knew this wasn't about me." He comes closer to me and touches my chin, 

"Who hurt you April?" He asks. I don't answer, instead i put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. He doesn't say anything he just lets it sit there. Until i fall asleep.                                                                                                                               

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