Chapter 28

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"Hello Apricot." He says with a big cheesy grin. I immediately get up and jump into his arms. My eyes start welling up with tears but I don't let them fall. I release myself from the hug and just look at him. It's been almost a year since I last saw my brother. 

"You look good Conor." He smiles and mouths 'duh'. We looked a lot like each other. We're both tan, have freckles and have green eyes way too big for our faces.             

"You look beautiful. Like a true princess." I smile at him, that's what Alex said.  

I turn around and introduce everyone to Conor. I go to sit next to Alex and Conor sits next to Chris.       

 "Room mates huh?" Conor says while studying Alex. "How old are you Alexander?"             

"27." He responds.                                                                                                                                                                 "Do I have to do a background check on you or can I trust you with my baby sister?" Conor says while leaning back.            

 "You can trust me." Alex says and smiles at me.             

  "Hi Cassidy." Conor says and gives her a small wave. Her cheeks go red and she says hello back. Conor was Cassidy's first kiss and last kiss from a London guy. Before she moved away Conor decided to lay it on her. When she moved obviously she got over she even got a new boyfriend but that didn't last. Cassidy and Conor haven't seen each other since that day.       

 "How was South Africa?" He asks her.           

"Good." she says and sips her champagne.              

 "Do you still have a crush on me?" Conor says and Cassidy starts choking on her champagne. I shoot Conor a death glare and he puts his hands up in defeat.        

 "I'm just playing. It doesn't matter anyway I'm a married man now." He grins but Cassidy flips him off making him laugh even more.       

 "I like your brother." Chris says which makes me smile but also makes my eyes roll.

A couple minutes after Conor's wife Ella join us along with Jackson.     #

"Xander!" Jackson shouts and runs into Alex's arms. Conor look at me with a raised eyebrow but I just shrug. I introduce Ella and Jackson to everyone and we all converse like we're life long friends.            

"April, it's time." Rylan says and gets up from his chair. I nod at him. 

"Get your purses and wallets out kids." I say and leave the table.

The art has been selling a lot faster than I thought it would. There haven't been any major bidding wars which is okay because one of the pieces sold for £20,000 all by itself.          

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the last piece of the night." Everyone applauds then I continue. "A lot of the art sold today were paintings however this piece is the second and last photography piece for tonight." Ryland brings out the picture and leaves it on the stand.. The picture is on a large canvas in all black and white, except the red bottoms of the Louboutin's. The shoes are on the ground and a Rolex is laying beside it. The watch being the only focused thing in the picture and everything else intentionally unfocused.           

"I am not artistic. But when I took this picture I thought it was rather aesthetically pleasing. This piece is un named and was created by yours truly. Would anyone like to start the bidding?" I take a deep breath in and out. The reason I wanted this to be sold is because I genuinely did think it was a pretty picture and it honestly represents me and Alex. The first two things we pointed out that each other was wearing.

"£1,000." A man shouts.                      

"£5,000." A woman.

"£10,000." A woman. 

"£15,000." Conor. Everyone gasps and looks at him, even me.                                                                          "£15,000?" I ask, making sure I heard him correctly. He nods and smiles.

"£20,000" Alex shouts, grinning at Conor and smiling at me. Oh no.

"£25,000" Conor.

"30" Alex.

"35." Conor.

"50!" Chris yells which takes everyone by surprise. Conor raises his hands in defeat as does Alex.   "Going once. Going twice..."

"£100,000!"  A man yells from the entrance. I narrow my eyes and see Andrew. I don't want Conor, Chris or Alex to bid higher because that's too much money so I immediately just yell, "Sold to the gentleman in the back." Andrew grins and walks out again. I thank everyone for contributing, say good night and come off stage. Conor looks at me with a pissed look on his face.   

  "What the hell April! Why did you sell it to him?"     

 "Because I'm not letting any of you idiots bid over 100k on a stupid picture!" I sigh and sit down.  

"It wasn't stupid. It was beautiful." Cassidy smiles at me.   

 "Let's go home. I need to get out of this dress." I say and stand up.

"Ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention please." We all look up on the stage and see Colin with a line of beautiful girls.     

 "This has been our most successful auction and gala in the 4 years we've been doing them. Can we all give a round of applause to Miss April James." The light goes on me and everyone claps, I clap as well otherwise I would look awkward just standing still.      

  "Art isn't the only thing auctioned tonight. I understand not everyone is a fan of art." I look at Easton when Colin says that.             

"So we are giving you men and women an opportunity to bid on these beautiful ladies one by one. The highest bid gets to take the young lady on a date."

 Everyone claps and cheers but I do the slowest clap in the world. These girls actually volunteered for this?

There are 10 girls on stage all together. Colin introduces the last one and people start shouting random of money. So far no one has gone over £1,000. Which is reasonable as it is literally just for a date. Chris bid £500 on a girl and got her. Conor bid £100 and Ella started yelling at him, it was quite funny to watch because he almost won her and he got nervous. The last girl is sold for £700 to some man and Colin starts talking again.

"We have one more young lady who I think will appeal to a lot of you. April James would you please join me on stage!" Colin shouts and all eyes are on me. People are clapping, I look back at Conor, Easton, Chris and Alex. 

"Do not let someone else get me." I say, they all nod and I take a deep breath and walk on stage. 

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