Chapter 51

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We return back to the party and are immediately greeted by a group of people.          

"Hey!" They all say in unison. I smile in surprise and look at Cassidy, Easton and Chris standing in front of me and Alex. I unlink my arm and go to hug each of them.            

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.       

"We're here to congratulate the new happy couple." Cassidy says excitedly and gestures towards me and Alex. I glance back at him and blush.     

"My man, I knew you could do it." Chris says and slaps Alex's shoulder. I shake my head and laugh.

We all grab drinks and break into conversation. In the corner of my eye I notice the man watching me.     

"Guys." I say, catching all of their attentions. "I have someone I want you to meet." 

I start walking and they all follow me. As I get closer I notice a smile appear on Crawford's face. I stand beside him and his arm naturally goes around my waist. I see Alex's jaw tense which makes me laugh a little.

"Guys this is Crawford. He's been my family since I was 15. Crawford this is my new family." I smile at him and give everyone brief introductions. Chris, Cassidy and Easton start asking him 21 questions. Starting with his tattoos and piercings. I smile at the interaction and stand beside Alex.

"Not going to talk to him?" I ask nudging his side.     

 "Why does he call you princess?" Alex asks, I look at him and notice that he's still tense. I shake my head and laugh while hugging his arm.         

 "It's just a pet name Alex. He's like my older brother. We lost contact after my life went to hell. He was my only family besides Conor, you'll like him if you try."        

 "April." He says but I interrupt him.

"Remember the story I told you about Jackson's biological parents." He nods. "That was Crawford's older brother. His brother died in that car wreck. We were each others only family."

Alex looks at me, he grabs my arms and places me in front of him.    

"You met when you were 15. Are you sure he wouldn't try something?" 

"I'm not his type." I laugh.   

"And you?" He asks. 

"My type is Alexander Reed." I smile.

Crawford and everyone get along perfectly. Even Alex likes him, I knew he would once I got the paranoia out of his brain. I noticed Melanie walking in our direction. I decided to meet her in the middle instead of making it awkward with everyone else. Plus I just loved how they were all getting along.

"You look amazing." Melanie says.     

"Thanks, so do you." I respond. "What are you doing here Mel?"      

"Andrew is a friend of Landon."   

"Oh." I say bluntly.       

"I didn't know. We broke up." She smiles sadly. 

"Why?" I try to sound sympathetic.         

"He hurt me. He hurt you. I hated that I lost you because he told me what a terrible person Alexander was."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise, "Andrew told you?" I ask.  

"Yeah. I didn't want you to get hurt and then I ended up saying unforgivable things." 

"Mel, I forgave you remember. I just wish you would've told me."

"I'm sorry." She says.       

"Me too." I respond and hug her lightly.            

"I'll let you get back to your friends." She gestures to the group of people behind me, laughing and getting along. "You deserve this happy ending A." She adds.  

 "We all do." I smile and we both walk away from each other.

I make my way back to the group, Easton immediately grabs my attention.   

"April, Crawford say's he going to take all of us to get art."

I look at Crawford and he laughs.    

"He's not referring to paintings Easton. He means tattoos." I laugh and Easton makes a horrified expression.       

"We can all get matching tattoos!" Cassidy exclaims.          

"We can get I ❤ Chris straight across our butts." Chris suggests and everyone flips him off.  

"You can all discuss tattoos, I'm going to go pee." I say while laughing. As I start to walk Crawford grabs my arm.

"You're fulfilling your mission now aren't you?" He whispers in my ear. I look at him, not surprised that he could tell I was lying. Him and Conor have always been able to read me like a book. I nod and he releases me.    

"If anything goes wrong, come to me immediately princess." He says warning.      

"Okay." I say and walk away to find Landon.

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