Chapter 43

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Alex helps me out of the car. When I step out I notice the bar in front of me and raise a brow at him.       

"The last place you wanted to take me. In Paris. Is a bar?"    

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." He smiles at me and takes my hand.    

"I'm not judging. It literally says bar right there." I point to the sign and he shakes his head. He starts walking, still holding my hand and we enter the bar.

"This still looks like a bar to me." I say, looking around.  

"You'll love it." He murmurs and I sit on a stool while he stays standing up.

We order drinks and I get a a text. Alex tells me he needs to do something so I nod at him and take a look at the text from the unknown number.

UNKNOWN: Hey April, it's Landon. I hope you don't mind I got your number from your old boss. I didn't know if you still worked at our place. I want to apologise for what happened the other night. Me and Gwen are hosting a smaller gathering, hoping to have a better ending to the night. I'd love for you to come, you can bring whoever you'd like. Let me know.


I read the message in my head a couple times and choose not to reply. I know I forgave him in the flesh and everything but maybe I was so forgiving because I thought that would be the last time I'd see him. I put my phone into my pocket and see Alex walking back to me.      

"Where did you disappear to?" I smile.     

"Oh, just doing a thing." He grins at me.

All of a sudden a man appears on stage and announces two peoples name. They walk up and people are cheering crazily.    

"Oh my gosh." I start to put two and two together. "This is karaoke night!" I say in an excited voice and he grins.    

"I thought you'd like the atmosphere."      

"But why here? In Paris." I ask.   

"Why not?" We smile at each other and cheer on the people on stage.

"Next is April James!" The man from the stage yells and people cheer. My face goes red and I look at Alex, cheering alongside the crowd.     

"Alex,no." I say sternly.     

"Come on Apricot, it's an experience. If worse comes to worst, no one knows you here. Come on please?" His voice goes soft but he has a wicked grin on his face.    

"I hate you." I whisper and nudge his shoulder as I walk onto the stage. The spotlight is on me and people are cheering loudly.     

"What song will you be singing?" The man asks. He has a thick french accent but his English is pretty damn good. I make eye contact with Alex in the crowd and say,       

"American Idiot, Green Day." His eyebrows raise in surprise and people cheer even louder.  The music starts and out of no where, adrenaline starts pumping through my blood and I start singing. While I'm singing I get random people from the crows, onstage to dance with me. Eventually we all start singing the chorus and I see in the corner of my eye Alex is just smiling at me. One of the girls of stage opens up a champagne bottle and sprays it everywhere. I pick it up and people start chanting drink,drink,drink. I bring the bottle to my lips and drink as much as my body will let me. People applaud and I walk off stage to make my way back to Alex.

"From Queen to Eminem to Green Day. You never fail to surprise me." He smiles and grabs me by my waist. I respond by putting my hands on his shoulders.    

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