Chapter 48

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I take off the big piece of artwork off the wall, displayed in the living room. The art was beautiful, April thought it was beautiful but I think my replacement is even better. I put the new canvas up on the wall and step back to take a look at it.

"Damn." Chris says, walking from the kitchen. 

"Yes? No?" I ask hesitantly.     

"You got it bad Reed. Does she know?" He asks.      

"No but I'm going to show her. I'm going to talk to her. Today. I've given her enough space. I'll just have to tell Conor to let me in at the hotel." I say and sit on the sofa.

"I have something to tell you." Chris says slowly. I look at him and he carries on.

 "April isn't staying with Conor. He actually left for New Orleans a week ago. She's been staying at the hotel to avoid. Well...You."

My jaw tenses when he finishes speaking.                   

"You arsehole! You saw how much I was suffering. AND I told you what really happened with Gwendolyn but you let me believe the only reason I shouldn't see her was because of Conor." I shout and narrow my eyes at him. 

"She needed space. If anything, you've handled it better than her." He says and on a big chair diagonal from the sofa.  

"How is she?" I ask, sadly.          

"Hasn't really mentioned you." 

"I need to see her man." I say and sink further into the sofa.

Chris takes a deep breath and says, "She's going to Gwendolyn's engagement party."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Why?"

"Gwendolyn's fiance invited her. For some reason she said yes. I asked if she wanted me to go with her but she said no."     

"I'm going." I say sternly and get up. Chris stays seated and doesn't object.

"I'm not going to object." He says, reading my mind. "I wouldn't have told you if I didn't want you to put on your big boy pants and go." I nod at him and go to the bedroom to put a classic black and white tux on. I put my contacts in and do nothing with my hair. I decide to wear my stubble and not shave it because honestly I don't care what I look like right now. I just want April back.

"Yes?" I walk into the living room, presenting myself to Chris. He nods and stands up.        

"Alexander." He says in a serious tone. "April isn't just important to you. She's also family to me and East. If you mess this up one more time, we will kill you and get Conor to join in as well."   

"I won't. I promise." I say reassuringly and slap his shoulder.

He gives me a quick good luck and I leave the apartment, heading for my McLaren. Heading for my April.

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