Chapter 37

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"April?" He asks, equally as surprised. I feel Alex's grip on my waist tighten. I look at him and notice that he's as pale as I am right now.           

 "Landon darling this is Alexander Reed. An old friend of mine." Gwendolyn says looking between Landon and Alex. How did these two end up together? Gwendolyn and Landon?

Landon puts his hand out for Alex to shake but he doesn't take it. 

"How do you two know each other?" Gwendolyn asks me and Landon.

 "Old friend." I choke, Landon looks at me with a sad look in his eyes.         

  "Nice to see you engaged." I smile and get rid of any negative emotion in my body.       

"Yeah." Landon replies bluntly. "Are you two together?" He gestures to me and Alex. I look at Alex and notice his jaw is clenched and he has an angry look in his eyes.        

 "Just friends." I answer bluntly.

"April I got you water." Chris walks over to us and he goes pale when he sees Gwendolyn.      

"Chris it's been so long." Gwendolyn smiles and hugs him. He doesn't return the hug. When she releases him he murmurs 'not long enough' and I laugh making everyone confused.     

"Your parents are looking for you two, lets go." Chris says to me and Alex. I nod and take Chris with one hand and drag Alex behind with the other.

"Why is she here?" Chris snaps at Alex.    

"Why is he here?" Alex snaps at me.       

 "I want to go home!" I snap at both of them.

 "Go say goodbye to your dad we will meet at the bar. I'm going to the bathroom." I walk away from both of them, still feeling a little dizzy but stable.

I walk into the bathroom, well toilets, and look at myself in the mirror. Why did this have to happen? I went 5 years never seeing him. Why are you doing this to me universe.

 "Hello April." I look to my right and see Gwendolyn walk in. Great.   

 "Hi." I reply bluntly.  

"Nice dress." She laughs sarcastically.   

"Can I help you?" I snap.          

 "Actually, you can." She walks closer to me. "Stay away from Alex."      

    "Excuse you?" I raise my brow and take a step back.           

"You won't give him what he wants. You don't even look anything like he wants. From your dark hair to your tan skin." She grins.     

  "Did you really just say that?" I ask, completely shocked at what just came out of her mouth.  

"Do you really think because you're pretty you get so say crap like this? You are engaged to someone else. So instead of worrying about your ex boyfriend why don't you go back to your future husband." I walk past her and go for the door.    

 "You will never be what Alex wants." She sneers, I turn around and sigh.       

"You're right. I'll never be what he wants because unlike you I'm what he needs. He's happy and loves me. But thanks for your concern." I smile and leave.

I want to go to bed. I shake my head and walk over to the bar. Chris and Alex aren't here yet so I ask for whatever drink I was having before and wait for them.      

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