Chapter 27

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"April baby!" Chris says from afar. I wave at him and he starts walking towards me and Cassidy.  

 "Holy crap! You look-"   

"Beautiful." I turn around and see Alex, he interrupts Chris. I look at Alex properly and he looks amazing as ever. He wore a black suit without the waistcoat and a bow tie. I usually preferred it when he didn't wear blazers but he looked absolutely  amazing. His face was cleanly shaven, revealing his sharp jawline. His hair has styles back but still look fluffy enough to run your fingers through it and his eyes. His mysterious eyes were a mixture of grey and green again.                                                                        

"God damn." Chris says while looking at me up and down. I snap out of my trance.          

 "Okay enough of that." I laugh.          

"Can we sit down, my feet are killing me." Cassidy says. I look at her and see Easton's arm around her waist. I look at Easton and raise my brows with a smile. He smiles nervously and says, "Yeah let's go to our table."

Everyone get's seated and food starts being served. Rylan comes to sit with us halfway and seaways into the conversation.  It's amazing. Everyone was enjoying themselves.        

"April." Alex whispers in my ear, "Why did you say that this is your last time being COO of your job?"                

"I'll explain everything later." I say and give him a warm smile.                                                                      

"April!" I look up and see Colin standing at our table. "I'm very impressed with what you've come up with. This really is our biggest Gala yet."   

"Thank you Colin." I smile. 

"Guys..." I make eye contact with every on the table and say, "This is Colin Smithson, my boss." Everyone greets him and Alex shakes his hand.   

"We are going to miss you working with us April." Colin says while looking at me.           

"I'm going to miss working with you." I pause because I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

 "You should go and eat Colin. The auction is going to start in a half hour." He nods and walks away. I look back at everyone and see that they are all in fact looking at me. Alex puts his arm on my chair and is also looking at me.  

  "What guys?" I say to all of them.    

"I thought you loved your job." Easton says.        

"Why are you leaving?" Chris adds.         

 "I just want something different now." I shrug and drink my water.

"Rylan?" A girl calls Rylan's name. We all look behind him and see Melanie with her boyfriend. 

      "April you look amazing." She says while giving me a sad smile. I give her a small head nod as a thank you. In the corner of my eye I see Alex tense his jaw. I know it's because she's here so I push both of our plates of food away from us and slightly lean in to him. He moves his hand from the back of my chair to draping it over my shoulders and draws circles on my bare shoulders with his finger tips.    

 "Can we sit?" Melanie asks Rylan. He looks at me for approval I just nod and he invited them to our table. Alex goes tense again but he doesn't move. I bring my head up slightly and whisper in his ear,

 "Did I tell you how handsome you look?" He slowly looks at me and smiles.                              

 "Yeah you did actually." He pauses, "Have I told you how beautiful you look?"          

"Twice actually." I answer.      

"I think I figured it out." I say to him.       

"Figured what out Miss James." He says with a smirk on his lips leaning closer to me.        

 "You're eyes are green when you wear black and other dark colours. They're grey when you wear white and grey. That's why your eyes are a mix right now. You're wearing both."     

"You figured it out." He says, "I didn't realise you observe so much." There's a pause between us and we get closer. Our faces inches apart from each other.                 

"You're worth observing." I whisper. He brings one of his hands and lifts up my chin. I close my eyes...

"April." Crap!   I look away from Alex and see that Melanie's boyfriend just said my name. I look back at Alex and he frowns at me. I give him a kiss on the cheek and sit up properly in my chair. 

"Andrew is it?" I ask, knowing his name. He nods with a wicked grin on his face which makes me uncomfortable.         

"Are you going to be bidding on any art tonight Andrew?" I ask putting an overly sweet voice on which makes Alex chuckle behind me.                

"Not for me. My friend is a fan of art, I'm here for him." Andrew says, pulling Melanie closer to him. I don't respond because in all honesty I don't want to talk to him. The only reason they're sitting at our table is because I couldn't be bothered to say no then have them object. I join in on the conversation Cassidy, Chris and Easton are having. Including Alex and occasionally Rylan as well. 

"So when did this happen?" Andrew says waving his champagne glass at me and Alex. We don't say anything so he speaks again.            

 "From what I've been told I never thought you'd get over Landon." Andrew sneers which makes Cassidy and even Melanie gasp. I don't react because I'm frozen. Melanie told him about me and Landon? How could she?    

 "Me and Alex are not together. Quite frankly It's none of your business!" I snap. Andrew laughs at me. Immediately I see Chris, Easton and Alex all tense.          

"From one rich guy to the next. Honestly, it's a shame you aren't ugly. Instead you're so damn sexy." Andrew laughs and all the guys get up in an instant.   

"You can either walk out or I will drag your sorry arse out of here." Alex growls. Andrew drinks the remainder of what's in his glass and stands up.             

 "At least I called your gold digging whore beautiful." He grins. Alex, Chris and Easton try to go for him but all of a sudden a pair of hands appear around Andrew's neck.       

"Apologise or I'll make you beg for your life." A deep voice speaks. The mans head is behind Andrew so none of us know who this person is.                      

"Sorry." Andrew gasps after the grip on his neck is released. He immediately walks away, Melanie looks at me and mouths 'sorry' and goes to follow him. The man who literally strangles Alex looks at me and my eyes go wide.       


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