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By the time we finish singing i look out the window and see Alex pull into the car park behind an Italian restaurant.       

 "I've been here before. This is where i have dinner with clients." I say still looking out the window.             

 "What a coincidence." He says and turns off the car. We all get out and start walking towards the entrance. Rylan catches up to me and puts his arm over my shoulders. I turn around and see Melanie and Alex standing a couple feet away from each other. I dismiss it and carry on walking until we get greeted at the door. 

"April mia bella!" Luigi greets me at the door with a hug

"Good evening Luigi." I say to him and turn around to introduce my company.   

 "This Melanie, her brother Rylan and..." Alex walks and stops by my side and puts his hand on the small of my back. "This is Xander Reed." I smile. Luigi welcomes us and walks us to our table.

 "Mia bella would you like your usual drink?" Luigi asks me. I nod and Alex asks for a bottle of  wine. Once Luigi disappears Alex looks at me with a raised brow and a smirk on his face.   

"When did you become best friends with the owner?" He asks.      

"I told you I come here for business. I'm a regular." 

Alex, Melanie and Rylan have their glasses of wine and I continue getting refills of my secret drink. I'm not sure what is exactly in it but when i told Luigi i don't drink alcohol he told me he'd make me the best non alcoholic beverage ever. 2 years later, i'm still drinking it. We all take out orders. Me and Alex get spaghetti carbonara, Rylan gets something none of us can pronounce and Melanie gets the white lasagne. The food comes after 5 minutes and we all start eating.

"So Melanie what do you work as?" Alex asks making Mel gasp.     

"That's rude and none of your business." She snaps. Rylan starts choking on his wine and breaks out into laughter, "Calm down little sister. It's not like he asked you about your body count."        

This time I start chocking on my drink which makes Rylan laugh even more. Melanie hits him on the arm and tells him to shut up.               

 "April," Rylan begins, "What do you work as madame?" He says in a posh voice.   

"Your boss." I laugh.     

  "Ah yes that is right. Sorry chief." He says and takes a sip of his wine.     

 "Your best friends brother works for you?" Alex asks. "When did this happen?"  

"Today. He just showed up and said 'hey i'm your new assistant'." I say.   

    "You loved my entrance April." Rylan intervenes.      

 "You were being creepy saying i knew your sister without even telling me her name."   

 "Touche." He says in defeat.

After a couple minutes of eating and talking a phone starts ringing. The guys tap their pockets to check if its theirs while me and Melanie look in our bags. I realise it's my phone. I take it out of my bag and put it to my ear and say,            



 Me and Alex look at each other in confusion, both of our phones were ringing and we answered with our surnames simultaneously. He tells whoever he's on the phone too that he'll call them back. I however, finish my phone call. After a minute or so I end the call and put my phone back into my bag. Alex looks at me and I say,

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