Chapter 11

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The waiter brings out food to the table after an hour of me and April talking. Not because the service is slow or anything but because we kept telling him 'can you give us another 5 minutes' because we're so into our conversations. I ordered salmon and she got a burger with chips. I liked the fact that she didn't get a salad. Most women buy salads when they go on dates or whatever because anything else is not 'lady like' or is 'unattractive'. I will never understand that. A girls gotta eat what a girls gotta eat. A man shouldn't dictate what a woman eats and definitely shouldn't be less interested in a woman because of it. 

"You look like you're lost in thought." April says which snaps me out of my daze.      

  "You were lost in thought earlier so I guess it was my turn." I respond. All of a sudden a phone starts ringing, i pat my pockets to check if it's mine then i glance on the table and notice that it's Aprils. I glace over and see a name, Steven. As soon as Aprils notices that i saw the caller ID she immediately presses the red button and puts her phone face down on the table. Damn what was that? Should i press questions? I look at her face and notice that she's gone pale. Asking questions definitely wouldn't be wise right now.     

"I'm done with my food." She says while pushing her plate slightly away from her. I nod at her and ask the waiter to bring the bill.

"Let me see how much it is." She says. I repeatedly say no to her because i know she's going to think it's a lot and want to pay. She eventually snatches it out of my hand and gasps when she looks at the number on the bottom.      

"£65 are you crazy? This is not okay Alex!" She tries to whisper but it's more like shouting. She's whisper-shouting at me right now. 

I roll my eyes at her and tell the waiter to put it on my tab and then stand up. Aprils leans back on her chair and looks at me with angry eyes. I put my hand out for her to reach but instead she slaps it away and stands up.   

 "Put it on my tab." She mimics and walks away. I can't help but laugh at her impression. I don't really sound that obnoxious do I?  I catch up to her and she actually looks...pissed.

"I'm getting a taxi home. You can get your butler to take you. Actually wait what am i saying? It is my home not yours Mr 'I'm rich so i can do what i want'! Mr 'Billionaire'! Mr 'I'm living with you even though we barely know each other'! Mr 'put it on my FRICKING TAB!'"

 She shouts at me. Everyone in the restaurant hears her and watches her shout at me. I didn't realise i offended her by paying for lunch. Her cheeks have gone crimson but not in the context that i like at all.                                                                                                                                                             

 "April I didn't know paying was that important to you. We can go back inside." I step towards her but she walks back.    

"That's exactly it! It's not important that we-YOU spent £57 on some mediocre food! It doesn't matter that you can just buy anything and add it on your stupid tab. Cause you have money, having money means you're obligated to spend large amounts of it unnecessarily! YOU'RE ALL JUST STUPID RICH LYING BASTARDS! ALL YOU THINK ABOUT IS MONEY, MONEY AND MORE MONEY!" She stumbles back and grabs onto the lamp post behind her and breathes. Almost like it took all of her will power to get that out of her system. 

This can't be just about me paying for lunch. I've done nothing to prove to her that i'm a stupid, lying bastard. I look at her eyes and that's when i see that she's broken.              

"Xander. I can hear this crap from inside what are you doing?"

 I turn around and see my brother standing outside of the restaurant looking at me then April then finally back to me. I walk up to him but before i stop he walks past me and to April. I just follow his lead.                                                

 "Hey miss. I know my brother is a lying,rich bastard but you've kinda told everyone in my restaurant and everyone on the street that he is one too." April look at him and responds,   

 "You forgot stupid. I said stupid,rich,lying."

 He laughs at her response. April looks at me and him then speaks,

 "You didn't tell me you had a brother Xander." She says with venom.                                

"I don't really talk about my private life." I respond.  

"Out of all people i'm pretty sure i should know the damn basics." She says and tears her eyes away from me.    

  "My name is April James. Nice to meet you and sorry about causing a scene outside your restaurant." She looks at him with embarrassment on her face. 

  "I'm Easton Reed, the younger more mature brother. Honestly it was entertaining to see my big bro being yelled at. I was most offended when you said the food was mediocre." He says and laughs.    

                                                                                                                                                                                    "Easton." I growl. Now he's said that she's going to be more embarrassed and is going to apologise more than she needs to. 

 "The food was not Mediocre, I just said it because of your other half here." She says while looking at me. 

"I would totally come again and be sane when i leave." She says and smiles at him.

What the heck ? She's being so nice to Easton. He's being so nice to her. He needs to go back to his job now!                    

"East, don't you have to get back to work?" I say.           

"Yeah i need to get back to a meeting, some chick wants me to provide food for some  event she's having. Luckily April here lost her marbles with you before we could start." April laughs when Easton finishes his sentence.        

  "I'll catch you later bro." He says to me and then looks at April and says goodbye.

 I turn to face April completely, before i can speak she runs in front of me and shouts for              My.Damn.Brother.

 I don't think I've ever hated Easton more than i do right now.                                              

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