Chapter 54

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I pull up to Easton's restaurant. When we get inside April immediately shrieks when she see's the people waiting for her inside. I look at Easton, Cassidy, Chris, Crawford, Conor, Ella and even little Jackson and smile. April's family left her, but now she has us. Her real family.

We all sit down and order our food. I thank Conor and Ella for coming on such short notice. Conor and Crawford have been talking more than any of us. Mostly and Jackson and of course Crawford's older brother. Everyone sitting at this table is connected with one another. We're all family. Even if some of us live miles and miles away.

"I love you." April whispers to me which makes me smile.    

"I love you too." I say back. She leans into my slightly and says,           

"Thank you."

I kiss the top of her head and we all carry on with our conversations, laughing and being a family.

"Alexander." I turn around and see Gwendolyn standing behind our table. We all stop talking and look at her. 

"Can I talk to you please?" She asks. I look at April and she nudges for me to go. I get up and walk outside with her following behind.

"What do you want?" I ask in a calm tone.

"Landon broke up with me." She says quietly. 

"Okay." I say bluntly.

"Because of your girlfriend!" She says accusingly.  

"I know, isn't she just great." I smile.     

"Alexander I love you." She looks me right in the eyes and says it again. "You would never have left me if she never died, you know that."

She looks sad after she speaks. I don't know if it's genuine or not but she looks sad.

"You will not tell anyone about her. I told you to keep your mouth shut and you will remain to do that Gwendolyn." I snap.

I clear my throat and release a deep breath, "You see that woman in there." I point at April through the glass. Gwendolyn nods. "I love her. I'm going to marry her one day and have children with her. I'll only ever love her over any woman. I don't know what you thought confessing your love would do but me and you ended years ago." 

She looks at the ground in defeat. However, almost in an instant she puts a smirk on her face and walks closer to me. She takes her fingers and attempts to touch my jaw line.

 Keyword: attempts.

She stumbles back and holds her cheek while cursing. I look to my side and see April standing beside me, her eyes full of rage.           

"Try to touch him again and I'll do worse than slap you." April says in a threatening tone. Gwendolyn whimpers as April steps closer to her.

"You need to give up this fantasy you have of being with Alex. He's with me, not you. So take your fake extensions and your plastic face and stay away from us. All of us." April grows and almost instantaneously Gwendolyn speed walks away.

"Hey." I say to April and she looks at me. "You've never looked more attractive in my life." I joke which makes her laugh.

"Do you have any other crazy exes that are in love with you?" She asks as she moves my arms to wrap around her waist.   

"Nope, unless my girlfriend from when I was 3 is out to get me." I tease and she hits my shoulder playfully.      

"We really are a questionable pair." She laughs lightly.    

"What did I tell you. The unexpected always becomes the inevitable." I smirk and kiss the top of her head.

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