Chapter 55

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4 years later


"Apricot you look beautiful." Conor says as he twirls me around on the spot. "I can't believe the day's finally come."      

"Honestly, I can't believe it either Conor." I smile.

I can't believe I'm here. I'm 29 now and finally fulfilling my biggest dream. I look in the mirror and admire my beautiful wedding dress. I run my fingers down my long sleeves that are lace. The dress is off the shoulder and has a v neck but isn't revealing. The dress naturally flows out as the lace stops at my waist. Julia adjusts the veil on my head and turns me around to face her.  

"My son is a lucky man." She has tears in her eyes.  

"I'm a lucky woman." I smile at her. She leaves the room and Conor comes to stand beside me.   

"You ready to do this?" He asks.        

"Ready." I say and smile.

The music starts playing as the door opens and all eyes are on me. My arm is linked with Conor's, as we start walking my grip tightens slightly. 

I look up and see Alex waiting for me at the alter. Even through my veil I can tell he looks as amazing as he did the first time we met.                  

 "I'm proud of you Apricot." Conor whispers as we reach the alter. He squeezes my hand slightly and smiles at me then walks to stand beside Easton, Crawford and Chris. I turn around for a second and look at Ella, Julia and Cassidy smiling at me in their pink, silk dresses. 

Alex takes my hands in his and draws small circles with his thumbs. He looks amazing, I think anyway. I need to get this veil out of my face!

"May I have the rings."

Jackson walks towards Alex in his l suit and tie holding a cushion with the rings. People aww at him and Alex takes the rings while giving Jackson a small fist bump making people laugh.

Alex takes my hand again and takes a deep breath before speaking.   

"I Alexander, take you April, to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward , for better or worse, for richer or poorer,  in sickness and in health till death do us part. This is my solemn vow." 

He slips the ring on my finger and my eyes begin to water.

"I April, take you Alexander, to be my husband." My voice cracks and I take a deep breath. "To have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish from this day forward till death do us part. I pledge myself to you."  

I put the ring on his finger and take a deep breath out.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

I smile as Alex slowly lifts the veil away from my face. He wipes the tears that are running down my face  and crashes his lips to mine snaking an arm around my waist. Everyone gets on their feet to applaud us. I pull away slowly and smile at him. Chris walks in front of us as shouts out to to everyone.  

"MR AND MRS REED EVERYBODY!" He claps and everyone follows him while 'whooping' as well. I hug Chris and smile at him. 

"You look sexy as always." He winks at me, I slap his shoulder and laugh. 

Easton picks me up and hugs me tight, completely catching me off guard. He smiles at me and I hug him again once he puts me down.  

"Welcome to the family sis." He grins at me. "

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