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Dakota wasn't entirely certain of the reason, but as those slender arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer, there was a new and foreign warmth that blossomed throughout his chest. It wasn't his heat; no, it was much too soft to be a symptom of his mating cycle. Instead, it felt more like... The sensation one got when you crawled under the covers after a long day and could finally relax, like any of the stress that had been bothering you could now be forgotten and dealt with another time. It was light, airy, and just... Warm. That unfamiliar sensation was soon overthrown as Zachary became more vocal about the pleasure he was feeling.

Glancing down at the angle he was currently positioned at, Koda made a mental note to remember this exact setup for future reference. This was it, this was where his mate liked it. Speeding up his thrusts a bit as the other male began pushing back against him, Dakota pressed his forehead up against Zachary's and gazed longingly into those pleading eyes. This was a scenario that the wolf may or may not have fantasized about a few times in the past, but had never actually pictured happening considering how strong their rivalry was. And yet... Here they were, as if fate had only been waiting for the right moment to throw them together and quite literally mate them for life.

Pushing these thoughts aside for now, the brunette planted a few messy kisses around Zachary's temple, his eyes, his cheekbones, before finally bringing his lips to the corner of the vampire's mouth. Taking a moment to appreciate the small trail of blood and drool slipping down his rival's chin, Dakota didn't bother hiding his smirk as he bit playfully at the man's bottom lip. "This look really suits you." The canine teased, his hot breath panting against the side of Zachary's cheek as his body worked up a light sweat.

Pumping his hand a bit faster along the vampire's leaking cock, Koda circled his thumb around the other male's tip before purposefully dipping that digit into the sensitive slit. Slipping his free hand lower, the wolf hooked his palm underneath the bend of one of Zach's knees and pushed the leg up and forward a bit to get a better angle inside the trembling figure below him. Moaning deeply as he slid impossibly further into his mate, Dakota arched his back and couldn't help the more firm rhythm of thrusts he picked up.

This wasn't the wolf's first sexual encounter, but it sure as Hell topped every other experience he had ever gone through. His whole body was alive with sensations, from the top of his head to the tips of his fingers and toes. Everything felt heightened, as if every other encounter before this one had been completely wrong and this was finally... The way it was supposed to be. It felt right. "Call for me..." Koda groaned out into the vampire's ear, squeezing the man's erection roughly and biting at his lobe.

"I want to hear you scream my name as I make you cum." He stated shamelessly, attaching his lips to Zachary's jugular and sucking a large hickey there. Whether the marks would actually stay there was unlikely, but the dog didn't care; he wanted to claim every part of this man, mark him up to show the world that he belonged to Dakota and nobody else.

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