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Silence followed the two males as they made their way into the kitchen. Dakota had never been very good with words, opting for physical responses and action over long speeches and touchy subjects. Their current situation was no exception. The wolf felt unprepared and out of his element. The little knowledge he had about what happened after one was mated was only applicable to werewolves, or so he assumed. There was no telling if it also applied to vampires, and like Hell he could ask any of his elders if it did; his pack would kill him on the spot if they ever found out about this. Placing both hands on the counter next to the coffee pot, a long exhale left the unsettled canine. There were so many thoughts and new emotions running around through his head, and finding the answers to their problem was not going to be easy. Glancing over his shoulder as the vampire groaned about not wanting coffee, Dakota shook his head and went back to pouring the fresh liquid into two mugs. “You’re getting some. It’ll make you feel better.” The dog dismissed, pausing a moment as he looked down at the two steaming cups. This was in fact the first time he’d ever made coffee for Zachary - actually it was the first time he’d ever made anything for the bloodsucker - and a fleeting thought about just how his partner liked the beverage flashed through his mind. Koda generally drank his black, occasionally with cream if he wasn’t feeling particularly tired, but Zach... Rummaging around in the cupboards and fridge for a moment, the brunette finally moved to sit down at the table with two mugs, a half empty jug of milk, and a couple sugar packets he found in a drawer. Glancing at the vampire’s face as he spoke up, Dakota couldn’t help but admire the gentle expression the guy was wearing. It was endearing to see this other side of the man, and it only fuelled the canine’s curiosity and interest to discover more of these hidden traits. Sliding down into his seat and picking up the mug he’d poured for himself, Koda leaned back and thought about the best way to answer Zachary’s question. “It’s... I’m not sure.” The wolf responded quietly, being honest about his lack of knowledge with the situation they were in. “My heat cycles normally last a couple days. A week, at most. But I’ve never actually mated with anyone to find out what happens afterwards.” Dakota continued, sliding a hand through his messy, damp hair and staring down at the table. “The knowledge I have has been passed down by generations of mated werewolves... I have no idea if they’ll apply to our situation.” He sighed, taking a long drink of his coffee before glancing up at Zachary. “What about you? You had no problem finding the right spot to mark me; does that mean vampires... Mate, too?” He questioned, the spot on his neck where the immortal had sunk his fangs in tingling with the fresh bond they’d made.

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