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Zachary hated the stuffy feeling in the room. He couldn't breathe. Would it be worse with his family? How would it go down between him and his clan? Though, in a way he could just avoid them if he wanted. Vampires disappeared all the time and as long as they didn't go rogue, it didn't matter. Aware of the strange looks he was getting, Zachary kept his muscles stiff and his body on guard. Though, the silence was different now. He wanted to avoid a fight for as long as possible. Flashes of his human life flooded his mind, his body nearly trembling. Though, leave it to Dakota to relax and calm the blood leech completely. Feeling the warm hand in his cheek, he allowed himself to look at his mate, his eyes wavering. It was obvious, at least to Dakota, what was on his mind. The wolf attack he had suffered so long ago was something that still kept him on guard around the creatures. Though, that strong voice seemed to visibly relax him. It was a rare sight, such a relaxer Zachary. A light blush dusted across his cheeks, but he didn't pull away. Calmed down, he finally looked up and let his eyes bounce from Red to Oliver. The younger wolf seemed to already accept him, which was good. But the female still worried him. He listened intently, a bit worried that Dakota's family would turn their back on the wolf. What would happen then? They would be almost doomed. That damned omega was about to cry, and it made Zachary uneasy. He hated his own tears, let alone someone else's. Looking towards red, he watched as she stood home, feeling that tenseness over his muscles again. Ready to protect himself or his mate from an attack, he listened to her, not daring to look up. Or did he? Of course he dared. He's Zachary. Locking eyes with Red for a moment, he was astonished at the reply. Watching Dakota stand, he felt himself relax some more. They were willing to stand by their side? Even though he was a vampire...? Though, most didnt know he wasn't a pure blood. Only his father, older sister, and now his mate knew the truth. He felt an awkward fall on his lips, though small, at the diss shot towards the smaller wolf. Feeling eyes on him, he looked up to meet them. Slowly and cautiously, he stood up. They were now face to face, though the vampire was taller. Watching the arm being held out towards him, he felt something strange. He knew he wasn't fully accepted, but it made him happy that Dakota's family at least tolerated him. Grabbing her forearm gently, his painted fingernails and rings weren't nearly as cold as his skin. A vampires skin was like ice, though hard like stone. Then, Zachary did something unexpected. He flashed them a real smile. The rare one that revealed his dimples and showed his small fangs a bit. His eyes seemed to light up softly. Though, he didn't say anything. It wasn't his place too.

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