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On your average day, Dakota was a deep sleeper. He could clock out for hours on end without so much as a muscle twitch to let anyone around him know he was still living. Currently, his state was no different. If anything, his sleep was deeper and much more peaceful considering the ordeal both him and Zachary had put their bodies through. By the time the wolf finally began to stir, it was well into the early afternoon. Small strips of sunlight peeked through the heavy curtains draping over the bedroom window and danced along Koda's resting face, causing sleepy eyelids to flutter open and reveal a pair of groggy blue eyes.

Inhaling deeply, the canine released a long and drowsy groan. He had never been much of a morning person, and today his body felt more worn out than usual. Pushing his face back into the pillows, the young man had full intentions of going right back to sleep when a familiar smell hit his nose. 'Zachary..?' The name passed through his mind, his head lifting to look at the spot he was nuzzling into. Wait... Eyes widening suddenly, Dakota scrambled backwards and right off the side of the bed as his memories came flooding back to him. Colliding to the floor with a harsh 'thud', the boy groaned for the second time that morning - this time in discomfort from the crash. A string of curses fell from his lips as he swiftly got to his feet and scanned the room.

The area was a complete disaster; torn clothing thrown about carelessly, a bottle of lube knocked over and spilling on the floor, and the bed... Good god the bed. There was absolutely no way of saving the blankets or sheets now covered in blood, lube, and a variety of other fluids. Closing his eyes and rubbing his hands over his face, Koda whined into his palms as he reluctantly processed the situation. Zachary appeared to have left - possibly during the middle of the night - but that didn't solve the problem. One does not simply 'undo' a mating process, nor could you just pretend it didn't happen and sweep the mistake under a rug.

No... This would have to be dealt with whenever he saw that bloodsucking bastard again. Grabbing some clothes and heading into the bathroom, Dakota proceeded to take a much needed shower before lazily making his way into the kitchen to make some coffee. Caffeine would also not solve the issue at hand, but it would certainly aid with calming his nerves a little. Dressed only in a pair of baggy sweatpants and clean briefs, the wolf leaned against the counter by the fresh pot of coffee he'd brewed and sipped at the dark liquid from a mug he'd chosen.

Truth be told, the wolf hadn't a clue where to even begin with this whole predicament. He'd examined the mark on his neck probably about a dozen times while in the bathroom simply to make sure the bite was real, and he could only imagine how the one he'd left on Zachary looked. Muffling yet another begrudging groan with a full mouthful of coffee, Dakota pushed away from the kitchen counter and headed towards the front door. He needed fresh air, the whole house just reeked of a certain leech and what they'd done last night. Halfway through the process of swallowing another portion of his coffee, the young man nearly spat the liquid out all over himself upon walking through the entrance and laying eyes on a familiar figure.

Sitting not even ten feet from him on a bench outside the cabin, was Zachary, dressed in... Koda's clothes? Perplexed as to why the immortal didn't just slip back into whatever he'd been wearing the day before, the dog pursed his lips together guiltily as he recalled having tearing them off the guy last night in the heat of the moment. Right, that was a thing that definitely happened. Clearing his throat and leaning against the door frame, Dakota slipped one of his hands into his pocket so he didn't end up fiddling with the strings on his pants, while the other clung tightly to the near empty mug. "...How's your ass?" The canine asked after a moment, knowing damn well the vampire could hear him despite the small distance between them.

It probably wasn't the most charming of things to say to someone you just pounded into oblivion, but this was Zach he was talking to; his rival of lord only knows how long who also happened to now be his... Mate. Even in his mind that word sounded odd, but Koda knew better than to play the 'blissfully ignorant' card. Taking responsibility was their only option, no matter how difficult that option turned out to be.

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