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There was a monumental sense of relief that rained down over Dakota's whole body the moment he received an answer from the other male. The guy wasn't hurt, which took care of any remaining tension he felt from earlier. The brunette was also incredibly thankful for that exploring hand sifting through his messy hair. He was a sucker for that treatment, much like any other dog. Feeling Zachary begin to shift about in his arms, the wolf made the assumption that his mate probably wanted some space after such a terrorizing ordeal, and so he loosened his hold respectfully. Instead of distance however, Koda was met with a passionate - and yet gentle - meeting of their lips, his pale blue eyes blinking a few times as his mind fought to keep up with what was happening. That was now the second time the vampire had kissed him with no real warning or reason, the first having been when the immortal had originally found the canine in the woods just the other night. Sure he had been in heat, but it was Zach who had surprisingly made the first move and not the desperate dog. Trying not to overthink things too much and just take their newfound partnership one minute at a time, Dakota eventually got his mind and body to cooperate and returned the tender kiss. Yeah... It still felt just as good as it had the night before. As their lips slowly parted ways, the wolf kept his eyes closed for a moment to simply enjoy the bliss he was experiencing. There was a fleeting thought of how the two of them could just stay out in the rustic cabin forever without returning to civilization, but Koda knew better than to fantasize about such unrealistic ideas. Eventually, they would need to face the consequences of what they'd done. But not now, not when those hands in his hair felt so damn good and he had Zachary so close to him without any complications. No, responsibilities could wait a little longer. Opening his eyes once he heard the other male apologizing, Dakota furrowed his brows in minor confusion before realizing just what the immortal was getting at. "Don't be. It might've been a dumb plan, but we know our limits now." The brunette shrugged off, genuinely believing that their little trial had mostly been beneficial - albeit the pain they'd both been put through as a result. There was a brief comfortable silence that fell over the freshly mated pair, the both of them in their own world of thought. Koda's hands had moved down to rest upon Zach's waist, his thumbs rubbing idle circles into the area while his head rested comfortably in the crook of the vampire's neck. The sound of his nickname hitting his ears had Dakota leaving the trance-like state he'd fallen into, knowing for a fact that if his canine ears had been out they would've perked right up in interest. His rival had never once dared to use that title. In fact, there were a very select few that did due to the wolf's preference for solitude. Hearing Zachary say it now for the first time... It was almost as though the shortened title had been saved specifically for this moment, for his mate to whisper it endearingly into his ear, and for only Koda himself to hear. Gods have mercy, it was perfect. As if things couldn't get any better, Dakota felt his pulse pick up a bit from what the vampire said next, and - almost as if on cue - two fluffy grey ears lifted up from his unruly brown hair; so much for keeping his emotions intact. Lifting his head up and ignoring the slight heat he felt on his cheeks from the confession Zachary had just made, Dakota cupped his mate's face and pulled him forward for another kiss. This was much more needy in comparison to how gentle their previous one had been, but as stated before, the mutt had never been great with words. Physically showing how he was feeling inside was much easier for him, and currently it felt as if his heart was going to pound out of his chest and right into the immortal's willing hands. "Idiot." He grumbled against the other's lips, truthfully just envious of how easily the immortal could open up about his feelings like that and fluster the Hell out of him. Biting roughly at Zach's bottom lip, a pierced tongue travelled over the soft area to compensate for the harsh treamtment, Koda's lips planting one, two, three, and four chaste kisses around his partner's mouth before finally pulling away. "...I'm happy it was you, too." The brunette mumbled, his ears somewhat flat against his head and his icy blue eyes flicking down to stare at the suddenly very interesting grass beneath them. "I really am sorry if I hurt you last night... When I get like that, it's... I can barely even control how I breath sometimes."

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