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Not knowing how it would affect the other when he said the nickname, a small smile fell on his face. It was adorable, how cute the boy was. The kiss caught him a bit of guard. He soon realized how the other expressed himself with actions. Kissing back, a slight moan left his lips from the bite. ".. Dumb dog..." He teased softly. A smile fell on his face. Not the usual forced, fake smile he wore. No a real smile. One that showed even his fangs and made his eyes close softly. One that made his... Zachary has dimples. Small, though still there. The crators in his cheeks seemingly showing just for Koda. He couldn't remember the last time he smiled like this. Had it really been that long? God, this dog would be the death of him. Enjoying the shower of the soft kisses, the leech let his eyes fall shut for a moment. It was enjoyable. Hearing the others voice made his own body perk up. If the man had ears and a tail, they would be out as well. His hands, with his nimble fingers, found their way into the others hair and began to gently pet the soft ears, scratching gently at them. Moving, he leaned up softly and placed a kiss to the ear, nipping at it softly. "Yea. It fucking hurt. But I'll get you back, you just wait." He grumbled softly, his empty threat ringing out. A silence enveloped them as he continued to play with the ears. His eyes were so much different when relaxed. The paleness of them seemingly staring off into space. A sigh. "I suppose I should explain why my hatred for... Well /most/ werewolves runs so deep..." He admitted quietly. In actuality, the vampire needed to explain it to someone who wasn't like him. Someone who could explain why it happened without saying, 'Its just what those filthy dogs do', as his father once said. Chewing at his lips, he continued to play with the ears, finding the softness comforting and calming. A melancholy look crossed his face. "Like I said... I was human.. Before this. And when we met, I was just a newborn vampire." It was true. Zachary had the mind and body of an adult human, but the instincts of a newborn vampire. His fangs weren't even fully grown when they had met. Biting his bottom lip, he didnt realize that a fang had pierced it. Hell, he didnt even realize his fangs had protruded from his pale lips. Continuing, he let his hands gently scratch at the ears. "Before I was what I am now.. I was a human. It was a long time ago.. Maybe one hundred years..? Ive lost track. I had just turned twenty one... I met this guy, as I've always been gay." A soft chuckle. "It wasn't as easy to be like this then. So I met someone who looked like a girl but was really a guy. He was... was my everything. If mating was a thing for humans, I would have mated with him. We dated for maybe six months... Then one night, on our way home from a date... He changed right in front of me... He was a werewolf..." Feeling his voice begin to waver, he cleared his throat, not looking in Dakota's eyes but at his soft ears. Then, he continued after a moment. "He turned and attacked me... I died that night.. I was betrayed by the one I trusted the most. The one I fell for... But my father... A pure blood, had saved me.. I was reborn. I didnt understand any of it. Why would he do that? Why me? I thought... I thought I was in love. I even bought a ring the night before to propose. I had a life planned out. I was a college english major, and he was a teacher... But everything changed in just one night." Zachary didnt even notice the hot tears flowing down his face. He gave a weak laugh, sounding broken. "I've never been able to trust anyone since... Not humans, not even my own kind... But especially not werewolves.. And I'm not sure why I hated you so much. I knew you weren't like him.. But I had to keep my guard up. I was given a second chance at life... His name... It's even tatted on my chest. It's faded.. I'm sure you read it though..." The faded 'Angel' on his chest would be a reminder for the vampire. He cleared his throat once more. "But now.. I'd be happy to die... Even by your hands. Because now I know what true love is... And its strange, but I'd do anything for you Koda.." He gave another brave smile, letting his hands fall and gently grasp Dakota's. Not being able to say those three little words, he just stared into the others eyes, speaking with his own. It was hard on him, the first meeting with a wolf being a deadily one. "In a way... I'm glad it happened. Because I would have never met you, you stupid mutt." He teased softly, leaving forward to kiss the other again. He felt like he could finally be himself for once. Though, in a way, he didnt know who his true self was. Maybe it would come back with the wolf. Maybe he would become someone better. Only time would tell.

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