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The blood sucker smirked back. He was thankful for the fresh set of clothes. Using some water, he splashed his face a bit. The wolf smell was strong, so his face had flushed. Or was it a forbidden heat vampires went into ever so rarely? Zachary had no clue. Sighing, he reached out to open the bathroom door when he heard a female snap all of a sudden. It made the vampire flinch. You see, Zachary only ever fought Dakota for a reason. The wolf had never actually tried to kill him or vise versa.     
Simply because of their meeting when they were young, and Zachary couldn't kill anyone he imprints on. Of course, he only had one friend he talked to about things like that. She was a human, but a blood donor who fed fellow vampires. Zachary never drank from her, just went for help. She was also an expert on such things. His thoughts were interrupted by another yell. Those names had been thrown at the others face for centuries now. As a human, he had used such names himself. Now, they stung and made him flinch again. It was terrifying. Why was the leech so scared? Maybe because he knew that it was too late. Maybe he was scared to die.. Then he thought about it. That wasn't the case. Looking in the mirror, he saw the mark his mate left. It was a light pink, same as the one he had left. Though, a vampire mark and werewolf mark were different. Biting his bottom lip, he still stayed in the bathroom..until he heard that deep growl. He was frightened. Scared he would loose his mate so soon. Though, hearing what Koda had to say made him smile a bit. His heart felt warm, though it was slow beating and nearly dead. Sighing, he finally opened the door after composing himself. He walked close to Zachary, tucking himself so his head was at the wolves chin, protectong it. Something vampires did to protect others. Their necks were a weak spot, as well as their chest. So this stance was one of protection and true love. Did Zachary dare...? He did. The vampire glared at the female then the other male, making sure to get his point across with just a look. It was a strong sight, one that put fear into most beings. Zachary had a hell of a death stare. Especially towards wolves. Koda was the only exception.

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